Chapter 3 (EDITED)

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I had been up in my room for a while now unpacking my suitcase

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I had been up in my room for a while now unpacking my suitcase. My room was so me it was white walls a balcony attached to it that looked over the gardens. There was a white stand with a big flat screen tv Infront of my bed. In one corner there was a big white desk which now had my laptop on it as well as notebooks, pens, pencils and other stationary I might need. Hanging above the desk was a beautiful picture of the beach. It also had a bathroom built on to the room which was pretty cool.

As I was unpacking the rest of my clothes, I couldn't help but wonder what was happening how did they react to me leaving. They were a negative in pact in my life and I don't want negativity like that. But in the end, they were still my family I can't help but miss them. I don't want revenge or to get back at them I just want a happy life full of positivity.

I looked at the time on my phone and realised that it was ten to six and I had to start heading down to the dining room. I packed the rest of the clothes into the dresser and quickly made my way out into the long hallway. I shut my door and rushed towards the direction of the staircase. After five minutes of wondering through the hall's, I finally found the staircase, letting out a sigh of relief I made my way down the staircase and into the dining room.

When I walked through the huge brown door's I saw Uncle Bill and Uncle Jeremy standing there no one else was here yet but they were talking to one of the guys in the suits. It wasn't normal conversation they both had very stern faces and seem very mad about something what I don't know but I sure would love to. Something was off I knew security carry guns, but I had a feeling they were so much more than just security.

Bill seems furious at the man there whispers soon got louder and louder. I decided it might be a good time to make myself known before it got to heated and fined myself caught in the middle of something. I cleared my throat catching all three of their attention.

"Uhm... sorry to interrupt" I said shyly looking down at my feet.

"Bella sweetheart you're not interrupting at all" Uncle Bill said before turning back to the unknown man "We will continue this later understood"

"Yes sir" the man said before walking swiftly past me and out the door.

"Come on over here, how are you Bella?" Uncle Bill asked me as I walked slowly over to him and Jeremy.

"I'm good, thank you for letting me stay here" I said to him quietly they both are quite intimidating.

"Your welcome Bella, I knew that you and your parents didn't have the best relationship" Bill said to me.

"Wonder why" I heard Jeremy mutter under his breath my head snapped in his direction, I didn't know exactly what he meant by that. But Uncle Bill must have thought the same thing as me, because his head also snapped in Jeremys direction.

"What? We all know that they don't care about anyone else but themselves, If I had my way Bella would've been hear with us ages ago" he said all the thoughts I had that I thought was my fault cleared my head.

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