Chapter 23 (EDITED)

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I had arrived at the mafia mansion and greeted by two guards who nodded their head

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I had arrived at the mafia mansion and greeted by two guards who nodded their head.

As I walk in threw the entrance I saw a group of people there was for that stood out it was Jasmine the girl that was kidnapped what I'm guessing is her father mother and younger sister the mother was and sister was crying and the father was hugging her it immediately brought a smile to my face knowing that there family is back together.

I know by the look on their faces this is what I wanted to do help people like this.

I must have been standing there for a while just watching so I decided to head to Marc's office. I headed up the hallway to the grand stairs which lead to a series of offices including uncle Marks.

I approached Marc's office and knocked I heard his voice.

"Come in" he answered so I walked in.

"You wanted to see me Uncle Marc" I said in a timid voice I knew I was in trouble even though I knew he would never hurt me it doesn't mean I'm prepared to feel his wrath.

"Yes what were you thinking Isabella going in there without back up or even going in there at all I said for him to get a group of experienced people not you and then Nick said wait what do you do run straight in there no back up you could have been killed or worse taken as one of them" Mark shouted to be honest it was very scary.

"Look Mark I know but you weren't there I had every intention on waiting for back up I really did but then I heard the screams and when I got in there they looked terrified I couldn't stand it Uncle Mark" I shouted back at him

"I'm sorry Marc I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me, but all of the memories came back to me the conditions they were living in" I started sobbing.

Before I could hit the ground, I felt too strong arms wrap around me and pull me into their chest.

"I know munchkin I'm sorry for yelling but I just got you back I don't want to lose you again" he replied

"You know one question I have been asked so many times it's what the worst thing that ever happened to me" he replied after a couple a minutes.

At this point we were just sitting on the floor Uncle Mark hugging me

He took a deep breath before continuing

"The worst day was not the mistreatment of my dad and wretched mother it was not your father's betrayal and torture it was the day they took you Bella they took you away from me the one thing that gave me peace and kept me at bay I thought of you as my own daughter and they took you away it made me suffer so much and they didn't just to spite me I love you Munchkin so much you will never know and I promise you the pain they put you threw will never happen again because I am here now" he said you could see the tears in his eyes.

I wish he was my dad but that's thing just the little while I have known him he's been more like a father to me then my real dad no matter what he is my Father may not be biologically but in my heart he is i instantly clicked I felt safe and loved and that's all I need.

"If it's anything to you Uncle Mark you are my Dad in my eyes anyway" I said as hugging him tighter

"I would love to be your dad munchkin"

"Well its settled then you're my dad always have and always will be"

"It's not that simple munchkin" he sighed

"Yes, it is because I know in my heart that you are my father and that's enough for me" I said with a frown on my face he just chuckled

"Your right munchkin"

"I actually have something to tell you one of the girls you saved turned out to be one of my friends daughter he runs another mafia they are very grateful for what you did she told them how brave you were and said how you sacrificed yourself to get them out of there it's safe to say you've impressed them but they wants to meet you before approving you also I have a project going on and I needed some help so your uncle bill sent a person that's an expert and I think he wants to talk to you there all down in the sitting area waiting" he said.

"But I just came from there no one's was there apart from the members" I replied.

"I know they just arrived so on your best behaviour" he said with a chuckle.

"Yes Dad" I smiled up at him as he just smiled back at me.

I knew then and there this is all I needed. 

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