Chapter 42

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Today is the day of the mission my heart Is racing I feel as is something is going to go wrong yesterday I spent all my time with Jaxon we just stayed home and watched movies we went for a walk in the park I don't know what today is going to bring...

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Today is the day of the mission my heart Is racing I feel as is something is going to go wrong yesterday I spent all my time with Jaxon we just stayed home and watched movies we went for a walk in the park I don't know what today is going to bring but I am thinking positive.

I walked down the stairs after putting on long black puffy legged pants white closed in shoes and a green singlet shirt with some button running up the middle. I saw Jax standing at the bottom of the stairs he turned to face me.

"I love you Bella and I will see both you and our little bubba in a few hours" he said while pulling me into a hug and kissing me sweetly.

"We love you to Jaxon" I said kissing him one last time before he walked out the door and I shut the door my heart broke I have never cared about a mission before I'm eighteen now and I guess it's me growing up I now have a child on the way and Jaxon back I don't want to lose him again. I shook off those feelings and walked into the kitchen and turned on some music while starting to cook some cupcakes.

I decided on red velvet I put the mixture in a bowl added two eggs and the instructed amount of milk and melted butter. I got the electric mixer and mixed it all together I put the cupcake wrappers in the tray and started pouring the mixture into the tray once I was done, I heated the oven up and put the cupcakes in.

I walked into my little office with my cup of tea and sat down at my white desk behind me had big windows overlooking the back yard which I love in order to take my mind off the whole mission I start to go over my paperwork. After 2 hours of going through paperwork and icing the cupcakes I decided to go lay down and go on my phone for a bit. I laid down in Jaxon's and I bed and took out my phone and started going through Instagram and playing games after a while It didn't help any, I was still anxious and worried. I took my hand and put It on my belly and started rubbing it.

"Hey bub I knew you're not old enough to hear me yet but I just want you to know how much I love you both me and your daddy does, I worried about him but he promised he would come back to us so he will I love you little one" I said to my stomach I put on a movie and laid underneath my blanket snuggling into the bed further while fulling to sleep.

I woke up to an annoying loud ringing I moved my arms around my bed trying to find where the sound was coming from. I rolled over on to my side and flung my hand to reach for my bedside table when I got my phone, I saw it was dad ringing my heart started racing remembering the mission.

"Hello dad, Is everything ok" I said while biting my nail out of worry.

"Honey I'm sending someone to get you its Jaxon he is hurt" Dad said in a soft voice I guess I he thought it might comfort me "Everything is going to be ok so don't panic" he tried to reassure me but I could tell by the tone in his voice that he couldn't be hundred percent sure I hung up the phone after saying I will be right there.

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