Chapter 41

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We decided to tell the both of our parents together so that leads us to where we are now sitting in the loungeroom all of us spread out on the lounge chairs

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We decided to tell the both of our parents together so that leads us to where we are now sitting in the loungeroom all of us spread out on the lounge chairs.

"Ok you to what is so exciting that you wanted us here immediately" Jaxon's dad asked teasing us we may have given away our excitement well Jaxon gave us away practically squealing into the phone to come over.

"Yeah Jaxon looks like he is about to burst" Dad chuckled.

"You will find out soon we just have to wait for Lincoln to come I want him here to" I said while smiling pretty much on cue the door swung open and in waltzed Lincoln.

"Ok I came as quick as I could to questions?" he said, "First do I need my camera?" he said I swear him and that stupid camera.

"No Lincoln you don't need the camera there's time for pictures later" I said.

"Ok good because I left it back at the mansion so I could really get it anyway, second question why am I here?" he asked and sat on the spare chair.

"Well me and Jaxon have some pretty exciting news" I trailed off preparing to tell them until Jaxon cut me off.

"There's no way to tell you this is except you are going to be grandparents and an uncle" Jaxon finished off in an instant second we were pulled into hugs mom was holding on to me tightly while sobbing. Next dad hugged both me and mom and as they pulled apart, I notice Mrs Hunters was also crying into Mr Hunters shoulder.

"We are so happy for you both" Mum and dad said.

"We are two congratulations" Mr and Mrs Hunters also congratulated us. I turned to Lincoln waiting for his answer he looked up from his lap and I could see his eyes gloss over which surprised me because he doesn't cry very often.

"I'm so happy I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle" he said as he got up and shook Jaxon's hand and then hugged me.

After talking for a little while they all left, and I went into the kitchen thinking about what we should have for dinner. When it dawned on me that I won't be able to lead the mission that means we are going to have to tell everyone else tomorrow as well I know Jaxon will agree with me. I took a deep breath when I saw Jaxon come in the kitchen, I looked at him and he still had that smile on his face form the moment I told him about our baby it never left his face for a second.

"What are you thinking about baby?" he asked while wrapping his arm around my waist I smiled up at him.

"Nothing much just about the mission I won't be able to go, so we will have to tell them why" I said trailing off.

"I know and we will baby girl we got to keep our little one safe" he said while putting his hand on my stomach over my shirt.

"Yeah one more thing god parent we have to think about that as well" I asked, "Have you thought about it?".

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