Chapter 13 (EDITED)

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I looked around trying to identify something or even anything to know where I am

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I looked around trying to identify something or even anything to know where I am. But all I see is black not one bit of colour. I can't remember how I got here, the last thing I definitely remember is being in the car on the way to the club with Lincoln. Oh my gosh did something happen to Lincoln is he ok? That was the only question floating through my mind at the present moment.

I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down and focus. But before I know it there was a flash and everything around me changed within seconds. Memories come swarming back; they were of me when I was 15 with Miles.

Miles came bursting into my room and asked what had happened today at school with Ashley. Naïve little me thought that maybe he was actually concerned about me.

"Ashley had come up to me and called me a nerd because I bet her for the highest score in class, then she slapped me" I said to him, I don't know what I expected maybe just for him to show that he cared still but I was terribly wrong.

"Gosh your weak why didn't you fight back, pathetic" he spat at me giving me the most hate filled looks that made me want to break down and cry. He turned around and walked out of the room, for a split second I had hope that he still cared that my big brother was still there.

As quick as that memory went the next one came.

My family alongside Jaxon's and even my Aunts and Uncles were there as well. We were all walking along the river side to have a picnic when Aron came along and pushed me, making me scrape my knee on one of the rocks. With tears in my eyes twelve-year-old me looked up and saw Miles, Aron and Jaxon standing their Miles and Aron were laughing at me and Jaxon had a blank look on his face.

Ever since they started being mean to me the past few months, that's the look Jax walked around with never cracking a smile or frown his whole face was just stoic. Jays tall figure blocked me.

"Hey back off, who do you think you are?" he said to them defending me. It made me even more sad that my own brother couldn't defend me, yet Jay could.

"Come on little one, let's get you up" I heard a voice say from beside me.

It was a man, whom seemed so familiar, yet I couldn't tell you who it was because never in my life have, I seen him. I kept watching the memory to see who it was.

"It hurts" little me said.

"I know darling but your strong, you know that right" the man that had brownish black hair identical to mine had said to little me. My round brown eyes looked up at him, even I could see the childish innocence still left in them. If only this little girl would know it would disappear by the time, she was thirteen.

"Really" I asked the man hope shining in my big brown eyes.

How could I not remember this I thought to myself?

"Most defiantly no matter what happens or what you have to go through remember this you're a fighter even when you get knocked down again and again you get back up but most of all never ever let anyone tell you that you are not strong enough because little one you're the strongest of them all" he said to me I felt tears slip down my face, watching the memory of little me and the unknown man that was slowly fading away, I taking in the last glimpse of the memory.

The memory slowly faded further and further away until I could no long see me and the man. I have to get out of here, I frantically looked around. Slowly another memory faded in this time it was me in the present. That man and the connection I felt who was he? and how is he important in my life?

There was me, Lincoln and another guy who seems awfully familiar, but I can't seem to place where he is from. Right as the guy turned around, I saw my fist swing and land straight on his jaw. The man went stumbling back and hit the ground, the object in his hand went flying out and landed just a few feet in front of me. I noticed that I had grabbed the object squinting my eyes I identified it as a knife. I had made my way to Lincoln using the knife to cut the ropes and free Lincoln.

Well that wasn't terrible what happened that was so horrible it landed me here.

But I had spoken to soon, I saw in the memory I had my back was turned to the supposably knocked out guy, but he had gotten up.

"You think your smart Lincoln bringing a girl into protect you well I will kill you first, then take the girl with me to bad Cassandra had to leave she would have enjoyed this" he said pulling a hand gun out of his belt and pointed at Lincoln.

Worry flooded threw me that must mean Lincoln is hurt. But that still didn't explain where I am.

I watched intently at the image before me observing every little detail, when realization coursed threw me as I watch me jump in front of Lincoln, the bullet lodged into my abdomen. Does that mean I'm dead? I can't be, I have to get out of here right now. But the question was how?

The memory was still playing before me but was slowly fading the last scene played.

"Come on Bella don't let go now" I saw Lincoln say to me before the memory completely disappeared. So many questions flooded threw my head like who was that man that had comforted me, his words still stuck in my head replaying over and over.

Until I knew one thing was for sure I had to fight and take the mysterious man's words onboard.

Until I knew one thing was for sure I had to fight and take the mysterious man's words onboard

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