Chapter 12 (EDITED)

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The last thing I remember clearly was the gunshot going off, instead of doing something I stood their frozen like a coward. 

While the girl that I thought would run away when ever times got tough just saved Mike and I by herself. I don't know how I managed to get captured by that witch Cassandra, but I did, and he is not going to like this one bit.

I was waiting for the bullet to come but it never did. Yet the bang went off when I opened my eyes I reacted as quick as I could grabbing the blade from her hand and throwing it straight at him seeing him fall to the ground.

I looked down and saw Bella laying their lifeless while she was bleeding out of her abdomen the two men have been taking out but Cassandra still got away but I didn't understand I had only heard one gun go off as quickly as I could I took off my denim jacket and quickly started putting pressure on her wound to try and stop the loss of blood.

"Mike you got your phone?" I asked the blond head looking at him while keeping the pressure on Bella's wound. He nodded at me and reached for his pocket wincing in pain because of having to move his leg.

"Ring Boss, tell him to get back up here now and one of our ambulances Bella's hurt" I ordered him, the pain from my injuries seem to be non-existent because my whole mind is focusing on keeping Bella alive and breathing.

"Ok boss, I understand see you soon" I heard Mike say from behind me.

"He said he will send men in to help us take care of this but to get Bella out to the alley way the ambulance will be there" he said to me, I slowly nodded my head.

"Ok, how bad is your leg" I asked him.

"Not bad it's just a graze, I will be fine just get Isabella out of here and to the paramedics and quick" he said to me, I knew out of all of us Bella is by far the worst her bullet hit the worst place. Let's just hope it hasn't hit any of her main organs.

I picked her up carefully this was dangerous she should be lying flat. One wrong twist and the bullet could hit something or lodge deeper. I went through the halls and to the back entrance of the club that led to the alley way. Thank gosh when I got there the ambulance was already there with a stretcher ready to take her. I laid her down gently and watch them load her into the ambulance.

"Sir are you coming with us?" one of the paramedics asked I was ready to shake my head no when I heard a voice behind me speak up.

"Yes, he will" I saw Jeremy behind me looking at Bella with a worried gaze, he may put up a tough man act, but he cares about that kid a lot more then he would like to admit.

"We will meet you up there soon Mike will be in the next ambulance after you two, get the wounds checked and Bill is already up there waiting for Bella" he said patting me gently on the back. I nodded my head and got into the ambulance the paramedics were putting pressure on her wound and looking at her vitals the best they could because of the situation that had fell upon us, watching them was like a blur not knowing what the next second could bring.

She was never supposed to be there, she was supposed to go to the car and stay there where she was safe and out of harm's way. But no, I had to go and stuff everything up and yet she is the one in the stretcher fighting for her life. It should be me the bullet was for me, but no this kid is to stubborn for her own good.

Not once in my life have, I ever felt remorse of any sort since I was a teen even then I would not feel sorry for anyone. But this foreign feeling has hit me like a ton of bricks, my heart was clenching in anticipation and worry. What was he going to do when he found out? But most of all, can I handle being responsible for this kid's death? Knowing that she willingly saved me after I had hurt her so many times.

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