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"Didi ... Are you sure it's a good idea?"  I ask Dylan for the umpteenth time.
"Yue is right. Why don't we use her car?"  Su adds, tensed.
Today is his wedding day.
Well yes, my puppy is now a man.  A tall, sturdy twenty-five year old man.
I still don't believe he has grown so much! He's now an independent boy... During the day he works at the university as a psychology professor, while in the evening he helps Xixi in her restaurant.
The wedding will take place in the afternoon, in the country where Xixi's grandparents live.  We have four hours of travel ahead, so we decide to leave in the morning.
What worries me and Su is that Wang He Di has decided to use his car.
The old yellow car that has accompanied us since we were young.
"Guys, I already told you that you don't have to worry! It's old, ok, but my car has no problem!"  Dylan exclaims.
"It's not true that it has no problem! It's full of problems!"  I retort.
"Yueyue... Please... It could be its last journey!"
I snort and I seek support in Wang Su, who is looking him straight in the eye.
"I swear that if we arrive late I won't forgive you," he says seriously.
"Everything will be fine! Promised!"  Dylan smiles.
I know he is really fond of that car.
His father gave it to him when we were nineteen ... It's been a long time!  In these days we have convinced ourselves to look for a new one, with poor results.
While Wang Su and Wang Yan Se climb and fasten their belts, I take Dylan by the hand and stop him.
"Didi ... Are you sure it can face such a long journey?"
"I'm sure".
"This is the farewell trip, okay? From tomorrow we will seriously look for a new car. No more excuses" I tell him.
He nods and smiles at me.

I am nervous.  Really nervous.
I feel exploded with joy at the thought of finally marrying Xixi after many years of courtship and then engagement.
I look in front of me and smile as I see Dylan and Yue's hands entwined together on the gearbox.
"How many memories in this car, huh?" I say.
"True, a lot of memories," sighs Dylan, giving Yue a sweet look.
At that moment all four of us get lost in our thoughts ...
I am sure that each of us is remembering an important moment spent on this little yellow rubbish.
Mine dates back to when I was a teenager ...

Sitting in the back seat next to Xixi, I listened to my brother and Yue squabble all the way.
"Ok! You're right!"  Yue finally blurted out in a trembling voice, turning to the car's window.
Dylan glanced at her and sighed.
"Yueyue ... I don't want to be right, I ..."
Before he could finish the sentence, Yue turned back to him and put her hand on his, as usual.
"Sorry, I overdid it," she whispered softly.
At that moment I heard Xixi chuckle.
"Those two are really weird," she said softly.
"It's true," I replied.
Unexpectedly Xixi leaned over and took me by the hand.
She said nothing.  I only saw her blush and look away.
I tried to hide my stupid smile as I played with her thin fingers, too happy to speak and risk breaking that magical moment.
We weren't a couple yet, but in my heart I knew that one day the wall she was trying to build between us would collapse.  We were part of each other.  And even if the uncertainty and fear of losing her tormented me, I would never stop fighting for her full attention.
We held hands throughout the trip.  When we arrived, she tried to let go of my hand, but I softly squeezed it to stop her.
She turned to me with a confused look.
"Maybe we're weird too," I said.
Seeing her hold back a smile made me feel on the moon.
"Maybe," she replied.

Now I can finally say it: we are weird too.  And I've never been so happy.

Su is right, this car is a great box of memories.
There is one in particular that comes to my mind ...

I left the clinic and waited for Dylan in the parking lot.
He had always accompanied me to all the medical visits, but that day he had an important meeting with some book dealers and he could not miss it.
When he arrived, he helped me get into the car and once he got back on his seat he looked at me with eyes full of anguish.
"So?"  he asked me.
I stroked his face and pulled him towards me to kiss him.
A long kiss.  Very long.
"It's a girl," I whispered, without breaking away from him.
I felt him smile against my lips.
I moved away slightly to look him in the eyes and I was surprised to find them full of tears.
"Hey ..."
"Yueyue ... A girl ... We'll have a baby girl! God! I ..." he couldn't even speak, he was crying like a kid.
I burst out laughing, without even realizing that my face was already streaked with tears like his.
He hugged me and held me tight.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you..." he repeated it endlessly, with his face hidden in my neck.
"I love you more ... Daddy".
He took my face in his hands and he dug my soul with his gaze full of light.
"Now that I know that she's a girl, I feel even closer to her. I can finally imagine her. She will have your full lips ... And your adorable nose. She will have your cheeks always ready to blush ... She will have your big eyes and oh, I already know i'll be ruined!"  he said.
I laughed and kissed him on the tip of his nose.
"So she will be my copy?"
"I hope so much. She will be beautiful. Just like you. And she will be an explosion of colors. Just like you," he replied sweetly.
Words are not enough to describe how much I felt the most loved and lucky woman in the whole universe at that moment.
Suddenly he got out of the car and I worried when he disappeared from my sight.
Seconds later the car started rocking and I rushed out.
Dylan was on the roof, jumping like crazy.
I burst out laughing and I covered my face with one hand.
"You are crazy! You will break the car!"  I exclaimed.
"I don't care! We'll have a baby girl! I LOVE YOU SHEN YUE!"
The people around us laughed and applauded, sharing that moment of happiness with us.
Without being able to stop laughing, I took a deep breath and I screamed with all the voice in my throat: "I LOVE YOU WANG HE DIIII!"

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