V I I . S L D + A L M , F O R E V E R

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


A/N: So Adam and Sarah had a bit of a moment last chapter. Okay Sarah, we all know you're attracted to him so just bang already. I mean you kinda thought about it in the shower so let's make that dream a reality ^_^ haha.

No, they will have their moment but it won't be anytime soon unfortunately. Like I said before, this isn't the typical Daniels Family Series story where they're banging within the first ten chapters ;) but I will say that when they do, get your Holy Water out ladies and gents

On a sidebar, I've recently started rewatching the Bones series while writing. What are some shows you watch?

Enjoy this chapter, back to Adam's POV and it's one I've been looking forward to writing since before I outlined the plot of the story ^_^

Also, song for this chapter: Head Like A Hole by Nine Inch Nails and you'll understand why the further you read. Perfect for our little rockstar Sarah :) added the song above with title art for you because I'm a bad ass mama like that haha <3

 Perfect for our little rockstar Sarah :) added the song above with title art for you because I'm a bad ass mama like that haha <3

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Remember to vote and comment <3 I'm in need for some love ;)

V I I . S L D  +  A L M , F O R E V E R


Since I've gotten to work this morning, I've had a little more pep in my step from the interaction I had with Sarah this morning.

My wonderful boss, her father, has been adamant at pointing that out to me since the moment I walked through those glass doors.

Currently, while at my desk doing paperwork, I glance over to his office and he's looking down at his desk with a smile on his face with his phone in his hand. Probably texting his wife right now since she's the only reason he'd ever have that device in his hands willingly.

Once he sits it down on his desk, he looks up at me as if he already knew I was looking at him and gives me that shit-eating grin that only a Daniels man can give you.

The same shit-eating grin that I've picked up along the years after becoming a part of their family.

"Hey Michaelson, get your ass in here," he nods his head up at me, signaling me to stop what I'm doing and probably come keep him company since he'd rather bullshit like an old man instead of doing tedious paperwork.

"What do you want old man? Look, I love you but I'm not one of your girlfriends that you can gossip with. Don't you have a wife for that?" I grin at him as I sit in one of the chairs across from him.

"Ha-ha. Very funny you little shithead. Yes, I have my wife but you're my favorite to talk to. You're just...always there for me," he mocks a pout, holding his fist up to his mouth like he's holding back a sob.

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