X X X I X . M A S T E R

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X X I X . M A S T E R


I'm hunching over the desk in Nate's office, reluctantly on the phone with Mayor Brinker about needing extra security for his fundraiser next month.

Needless to say, I'd rather be doing anything else besides talking to this mother fucker is an understatement. But as acting sheriff, I've got to keep the peace and deal. How Nate manages to do it, I'll never know.

"You think you can manage that Michaelson?" Brinker's annoying ass voice blares through the receiver of the office phone and I swear I just lost partial hearing in my right ear.

"Yes, sir," I sneer, putting my face in my hand while I lean my elbow onto the desktop.

"Good. Wouldn't want you to get overwhelmed now," he chortles and I swear if I could, I'd knock his fucking lights out.

Both him and his piece of shit offspring.

Someone who recently got released from county jail thanks to some fancy lawyer his daddy hired because the guilt of letting his son rot in a 5x5 got to him. I guess he felt a couple of weeks was good enough of a lesson. I don't think that bastard will ever learn. Thirty-one years old and still acts like a self-absorbed child.

"Nope, I've got it handled Mayor," I bare and grin the niceties before he finally hangs up the call.

"Fucking hell," I growl and lean back in the chair as I look up at the ceiling.

Freya grunts on the floor beside me and I reach down to pet her head. Still years later and she brings me a calm that any service dog would give someone who has suffered through PTSD. Sure, mine wasn't just from serving in the military overseas for a tour but mostly from my childhood and dealing with my father's abuse. As much as I try to hide that it didn't bother me, it fucking did. That's something hard for a child to bounce back from. And just because I dealt with it for years before finally getting away, didn't make the PTSD avoidable in the end.

Honestly, not many people know the truth about Freya, except for the Daniels, assuming she's merely a K-9 for the department. It was actually Nate who had suggested getting a service dog for myself in the first place since he had gone through PTSD after losing his best friend years ago.

However, his crutch was the bottle and I guess he didn't want to see me go down that road. Especially since I had a wife and son waiting at home for me. And I suppose he saw how much having a dog helped his daughter all these years, that he figured the same could be said for me.

Well, he was right, because Freya helped tremendously with it and then was a Godsend for Lance when Evangelina passed away.

That's the beautiful thing about having pets. They rely on us to take care of them, nurture as if they were our own children. But it's us as their owners that need them for so much more. It's the psychological, emotional aspect, that somehow an animal gets that not even a large percentage of the human population understands. Sadly.

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