X L V. T O R T U R E & C H A N C E

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X L V . T O R T U R E & C H A N C E


"Wake up, bitch."

I'm shocked awake by the ice-cold sting of water being splashed into my face. I gasp for air, blinking my eyes open as I look around. Fuck, I passed out - again.

The first time, after Hailey made her grand appearance, was when she had Josh backhand me so hard, it knocked me out cold. I woke up, who knows how long later to Hailey slapping me awake. I wish she wouldn't have because the torture that awaited me was no walk in the park.

For hours, I've been slapped around, cut, waterboarded, threatened with rape by Josh from both Josh and Hailey, had my children's lives threatened, and even with all of that, not a peep has come from my lips. I haven't cried out in pain. I haven't begged for mercy. I have, however, thrown some of my own threats back in their face and even though my body made me broken, my mind is still strong.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is driving Hailey up the fucking wall.

With every failed attempt to break me further, I can see the anger, the hatred, festering in her brown eyes. She wants me to suffer but no thanks to her, I've suffered through worse. Much, much worse.

"Why isn't she breaking down?" She screams and kicks at the coffee table, making it slide across the wood floor, straight into the wall. It hits it with a loud bang and for some reason, I find that hilarious.

So I laugh.

And not the cute giggle kind either. No, it's the gut-clenching, snorting kind of laugh that I get whenever Adam makes me buckle over so hard I feel like I'm going to die. The embarrassing laugh that most guys would find atrocious but not Adam. No, he tells me afterward that he's got a raging hard-on for his little piggy.

Yeah, my guy is fucking crazy in the head but I love him anyway. Because in the end, I'm just as crazy as he is. If not more.

Thinking of him, of us, it's helped me get through the pain and torture. The hope that I'll make it out of this, that we all will, and I'll get to be in his arms once more.

While in and out of consciousness, I've heard muffled screams and banging from the room to my right, confirming that the boys are being kept in there. I just hope that during the few times I'd passed out, that they didn't do anything to them. Because if I find out they did when I get loose, I'll kill them. All three of them.

They should know better than to threatened a mama bear's cubs.

Hailey slaps me yet again while I'm in the middle of my laughing fit, which causes me to laugh even more. The way all three of them are looking at me, I'm sure they think I'm officially off my rockers. Oh well.

"Stop laughing you stupid bitch. I'm torturing you, this shouldn't make you laugh," she shrills and the high pitch in her voice makes me stop laughing immediately, only to muffle my next round and bite my lip.

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