X I I I . B I T T E R N E S S

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenx


A/N: Just a heads up Lovelies, I'm putting the author notes at the end of the chapter from now on.

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X I I I . B I T T E R N E S S


A soft purr vibrates against my neck as I handle one of the four kittens that Mrs. Hawthorne's adopted cat birthed three weeks ago.

TeeTee, Mrs. Hawthorne's cat, is a beautiful tabby that had followed her home one dewy morning while she was on her usual walk before the start of her day. She could determine that the poor feline was on the verge of starvation and in desperate need of a decent home.

So, like any Good Samaritan, she took TeeTee back to her house and nursed her into good health.

After a few weeks of bonding, she started to realize that TeeTee was possibly pregnant. She brought her into the clinic and sure enough, TeeTee was expecting.

When she started laboring one night, she was having issues that Mrs. Hawthorne deemed as life-threatening. Thank goodness she followed her intuition and brought her into the clinic because had she not, TeeTee would've died while attempting to give birth to her litter.

One of her kittens had blocked the way and poor TeeTee just couldn't push it out on her own. So, Doctor Pierce performed an emergency cesarean on her to deliver her kittens.

Since TeeTee was so weak from the surgery and healing, she was unable to nurse her four kittens. In the last three weeks, everyone in the clinic has been taking turns feeding each one from tiny bottles and being sure they get the nurturing they deserve.

"There, there, little one," I mutter softly as I rub the edge of my finger over the black and white fur of its tiny head between the ears.

A quiet meow escapes its mouth as it nuzzles it's face into my neck.

"Aww," Lydia gushes as she holds another of TeeTee's kittens in her arms.

"They are quite adorable aren't they?" Doctor Pierce smiles while she checks on TeeTee who is laying across the examination bed in the back. Her head pokes up to watch both Lydia and me with wary eyes as we handle her babies.

I place the kitten that I'm holding down beside her and she immediately begins to lick its little head, grooming it.

"Good mama kitty," I smile as I kneel down next to the table and pet her head. She purrs loudly as her head tilts back so I can rub under her chin.

"I'm so sad they'll have to leave tomorrow," Lydia sulks as she picks up another one from the pin, cuddling it up to her face.

"I know, honey, but they'll be in great hands with Mrs. Hawthorne. Besides, TeeTee is doing well with her healing. She can now manage taking care of her kittens without a helping hand."

"I know," Lydia wrinkles her brows and brings her two kittens over to the table so TeeTee can love on them.

The last kitten, the runt of the litter is a tiny all-black cat with beautiful blue eyes that I'm hoping will turn green in another couple of weeks.

"Hey there, Binx," I smile as I hold him up in front of me.

Lydia gleams over at me as I speak. I can tell she's still just as delighted about the name I gave him as the first time she heard it.

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