X I . J U S T A L I T T L E

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


A/N: Lovelies, please remember to vote and comment on chapters. Makes me super happy to read your comments and gives me a chance to interact with you ^_^

In case anyone forgot, since it was mentioned in the last chapter, Adam and Sarah's song is Dance With Me by Morgan Evans.

What other songs do you think fit Adam and Sarah? I'm thinking of actually making up that playlist that Adam made for her and putting it in one of the author's notes at some point.

Enjoy this next chapter. It's a shorter one but still meaningful.

Also, be sure to follow me on social media on twitter, instagram, and tiktok @mischiefmaidenx

X I . J U S T  A  L I T T L E


Lexie, Lee, Mom, and I are all sitting on the bed in my parent's room as we patiently wait the five minutes it takes for the pregnancy test to reveal a proper result.

Honestly, you don't understand the concept of how long five minutes truly is until you're waiting to find out if you're pregnant or not. Time itself seems to drag on for eternity with every fleeting second.

Three minutes and twenty-three seconds down, one minute and thirty-seven seconds to go.

Lexie's leg is shaking like it's been permanently attached to a jackhammer on full blast. I set my hand down on top of it, attempting to alleviate her anxiety.

It helps for the most part and she glimpses up at me with a combination of excitement and concern in her eyes.

"What if I'm not pregnant? What if I'm like dying or something and that's why I've been feeling sick?" she mutters and Lee immediately begins to snicker from where she reclines on Mom's vanity stool.

"You're not dying. Although, I will say you'll feel like it once you have to shove a Daniels baby out of your vagina," she cackles, and Lexie whimpers as her eyes downcast towards her lower lady region.

"Oh, it's not that bad," Mom pipes up, smacking at Lee's leg with an animated smile on her face. "You'll be just fine, sweetheart," she pats the top of Lexie's thigh, providing her with a reassuring smile.

"Don't lie to her, Bex. You got it easy with Nate but if Ford is anything like Jackson, you'll want to strangle him. Trust me. I nearly dismembered Jackson with Sam because he had his face down in my vagina more than the damn doctor. 'Oh, but Sweetie, I'm a doctor, too. I'm just trying to make sure everything's fine," she mocks in a deep voice. A laugh escapes my lips as she continues.

"I ended up almost breaking his nose because I kicked at his face and told him he'd done enough to my vagina and to leave me the hell alone. Then by the time I had the twins he made sure to keep his face up towards my head," she winks and it eases Lexie a bit that she actually lets out a small giggle.

"You know, I always wondered why he acted that way with Sam but not with Chloe when you gave birth to her since she was the first birth he got to witness?" Mom asks and I begin to wonder the same thing.

Lee sighs deeply and smiles to herself as she reminiscences about a previous conversation she had with my big brother.

"I'm not entirely sure if it was because it was his first son, so he wanted to make sure his baby boy was fine. Or, if with Chloe, it was the first time he was witnessing childbirth and needed to make sure I was doing okay since I was performing it with no pain medication—"

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