X I V . B I T C H

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X I V . B I T C H


When the eight-ball descends into the called corner pocket, I bounce up and down excitedly on the balls of my feet as I raise my bottle of beer up above my head.

"Ha! Gotcha!" I dish out as I point the tip of my pool stick towards Vinny Rovali whose mouth is currently drooping wide open.

"Hey, you said you didn't know how to play," he narrows his eyes accusingly while shaking his finger in my face.

I bite at it in high spirits and he quickly pulls it away before I can latch on like a piranha.

"I lied," I hiccup and twirl around in circles until I'm leaning back against the pool table, trying to catch my balance.

I lay the pool stick down on top of the table and run my fingertips along the soft forest green material. These are really nice pool tables.

"Who's next?" I chirp and when no one jumps up at the wonderful opportunity to play against me, I groan with annoyance.

"Awww, come on. Come play with me, Jaxxxx," I sing out, giggling as I pull on my brother's arm.

Just like I use to do when I was five and wanted him to push me on the swing at the park.

"Sarah, you know I don't like being called that," he glares and I know he doesn't but I simply don't care right now.

"Fine, Jax," I glower as I flip my long hair over my shoulder, whipping him across the face with it.

Lee walks up to me with a flirtatious smile and hands me a shot of whiskey. I grin back at her and glance over at Lexie who's frowning at the two of us.

"Awww, sorry Lex. In nine months we'll have a girls night and you can get hammered then," I wink assuredly and she bobs her head while wiping away at a fake tear.

I down my shot immediately. When I feel the warmth in my belly grow, it spreads up my neck and into the back of my head, telling me that I'm at the point of tipsy drunk.

Bebe Rexha's song The Way I Are starts playing over the speakers and I cheer with excitement as I yank on both of Lee and Lexie's hands.

I direct them towards the dance floor where a large group of people is currently strutting what their mama gave them.

The three of us stand in a circle and dance with one another to the beat. In my tipsy state, I turn and start grinding my butt against Lee's front who yells out with amusement as she circles her arm up in the air like a helicopter.

"Get it girl!"

I smile and grab a hold of Lexie and pull her closer to my front so we're making a Daniels' girls sandwich, me in the middle.

Lexie lifts her hands up in the air and I glance over to Ford who's running the DJ booth. He's grinning from ear to ear as he watches her.

Another person I immediately recognize walks up next to him. Ford gives him his undivided attention, causing my chin to jut out with frustration.

Fucking Adam.

I choose to ignore him, no matter how fucking good he looks in his jeans and forest green Henley that only intensifies the green in his eyes.

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