L V I . T A KE Y O U R T I M E

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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L V I . T A K E  Y O U R  T I M E


It's been two months since Amelia was born and today was the highly anticipated day that she finally got to come home.

Throughout her stay in the NICU she thrived better than expected but Doctor Atkinson had wanted her to stay in as long as possible to assure there would be no complications for when she'd finally get to go home.

Amelia's little lungs were able to develop with the help of the machines and I'll admit that the first time they took the oxygen mask off her so that she could breathe on her own, I was a wreck. I kept going back and forth on the idea between wanting her to stay on the machine where I knew she would be safe and healthy or letting her do it on her own where there could possibly be complications. Thankfully I took the leap of faith and went with the latter.

My baby girl is perfect in every sense and not just because she's mine.

Okay, that may be a lot of it but whatever.

The first moment I got to hold her in my arms, I was terrified at first. I've never held a preemie baby before and I felt like I would crush her in my large hands.

My heart swelled to the point of almost exploding when she wrapped her tiny little fingers around my index finger. All I wanted was to kiss her cheeks and watch her smile but I couldn't. That didn't come until later when they finally took the oxygen mask off and she got smothered in kisses by both her mother and me.

Now, as I look down at my girlfriend who is gently rocking from side to side as she breastfeeds our daughter while perched at the end of our bed and softly talking, it brings the biggest smile to my lips.

Sarah looks so worn down from worry over the last two months but even so, she's still the most beautiful woman in the world. And she's all mine.

I pull my damp hair up into an elastic band from the quick shower I took when we got home and then pull on my boxer briefs. I climb onto the bed and encase my beautiful girlfriend into a gentle hug as I rest my chin on her shoulder while looking down at our baby girl. She's got her beautiful eyes closed as she suckles and I softly caress her chubby cheek with the knuckle of my index finger.

"God, I'm just in awe still at how beautiful and perfect she is. She's got my green eyes and hair. While she's got your cute little nose and your dimpled cheek," I grin at Sarah then kiss her temple.

"I know. She's the greatest gift ever. I just love her so much," Sarah sighs before leaning down to kiss Amelia's relaxed forehead.

"So do I."

When Amelia is finished feeding, I put the burp cloths over my bare shoulder and gently take her from Sarah's arms. Placing her front against my chest, I pat her back and wait for the air bubbles she contracted to come out. Sarah watches me with a smile on her face as she undresses so she can take a shower next.

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