X V . B R O K E N

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenx


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X V . B R O K E N


I watch, completely dumbfounded at what's unfolding right in front of me.

What the actual fuck is going on right now?

Sarah has officially snapped to the point that I barely recognize her.

Never in my wildest dreams would I ever imagine her blowing up like this. Not just out in public where everyone inside her family's bar could witness, but to almost every member of her family in general.

It's like, the drinking has intensified her feelings and anything that's been left unsaid, well, it's getting screamed at max volume right now whether through her words or her actions.

One moment, she was calming me down with her hands on my chest, which had made every nerve in my body tingle with just a single touch. Anything that dickhead, Josh, had to say, it didn't matter. She was the only person in the room that had my undivided attention. Just like she used to years ago.

And then unexpectedly, she had turned on me so fucking fast that I, myself, got whiplash. When she did yeah, I was surprised, but what had me nearly falling on my ass was when she turned on Nate. Her own father.

Knowing first hand at how much of a 'daddy's girl' she is, I never would've expected to witness her getting so agitated with him like he's the bad guy.

Then there's Jackson, the big brother that she's always looked up to. I don't know what the hell was going through her mind to slap him and then attempt to instigate a fight with Lee.

Which is who I'm still holding back by her arms from behind when we all hear the clear as day slap coming from the direction of where Sarah is now standing in front of her mother with a trembling hand over her cheek.

Without listening to any of us that yell out to her to come back, Sarah makes a beeline for the hallway that leads towards the back entrance.

Everyone else aside from her family is staring with wide eyes at the family drama of the Daniels that no one has ever witnessed before.

Not even me.

The last two minutes have been like a damn episode of Jerry Springer. And no, it's not as comical as the show either.

I know that no one is perfect and most families aren't the perfect cookie-cutter ones that you see on tv. Every family has some type of drama in the mix but I didn't think I'd see the day where the Daniels family would. At least not to this multitude.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Bex sobs and Nate is already by her side, his hands cradling her tear-soaked face.

"Nathan, I just slapped our baby across the face, " her bottom lip trembles as she puts her hands across her forehead and up into her hair. "She's never going to speak to me again."

I watch with a shattered heart as a kind and loving mother breaks down at the mistake she made.

I know it was an in the moment action and she didn't really mean it deep down. Rebekah Daniels, would never intentionally hurt anyone. Especially her own children.

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