X L . K N O C K O U T

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X L . K N O C K  O U T


As I lean back against the kitchen counter, watching Sarah drive herself crazy while she runs around trying to get everything situated for Lexie's surprise thirtieth birthday, I can't help but smile at her building meltdown.

We're having the party a week early since Ford plans on taking Lexie to Paris to pop a very important question that I know he's a nervous wreck over. I don't know why. I don't see her saying anything but 'yes' when the time comes.

Sarah pulls the appetizers out of the refrigerator and when Binx jumps up on the kitchen counter to see if he can get a sample, she waves her hand out at him to scram. I grab him off the counter and hold him against my chest as I rub under his chin with my finger.

"It's okay, buddy. I'll save you from the mean crazy lady," I mutter in his ear and Sarah stops in her tracks to glare at me.

"I heard that jerk," she mumbles and continues placing all the dishes in a pattern.

I don't even know why she's doing this when the party doesn't start for another thirty minutes. And if there's one thing I've learned about everyone in this family, is that when you ask one of them to be there at a certain time, expect them to show up at least half an hour late. So she's good.

She wraps another layer of the clear wrap over the dishes, glaring at Binx who purrs against me. Huxley and Freya walk in, hearing the crinkle of the material in Sarah's hands, assuming it's a treat. They gather at her feet, tails wagging, big puppy dog eyes staring up at her as they beg.

"Aww, Momma, don't ignore the babies," I frown.

She huffs with irritation, blowing the now shorter hair out of her face. Recently, she had decided to cut her hair, stopping at her shoulders. I won't lie that I miss the long hair because damn did I love pulling it in bed but she's still beautiful none the less. Besides, with a little stretch, I can still gather a handful from behind.

"I'm not meaning to, I'm sorry my babies," she softens her voice as she looks down at the two of them with love and affection.

She reaches up on top of the refrigerator to grab their bag of treats and shakes it in her hand. They two of them both turn in a circle before sitting back down. Sarah holds out her hand and both give her a shake of their paw. When she pulls out a biscuit they take it gently from her before running off to eat them elsewhere in the house.

"What about mine, Mommy?" I duck my head behind Binx's and wave his paw in the air.

She giggles with a shake of her head and grabs his little bag of treats. His ears perk up and he jumps down from my arms to circle around her legs with a loud demanding meow. She pats her chest twice and he climbs up her front so she can hold him in her arms. He takes the treat from her and quickly jumps down, sprinting towards his cat tree in the corner of the living room between the dog beds.

✓ [18+] EVERY LITTLE THINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें