X X V I . M O M M Y D E A R E S T

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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Chapter Song: Paris - The Chainsmokers

X X V I . M O M M Y D E A R E S T


I hum to myself with the beat of the music over the speakers in Phillip's Market while I pace down the aisle that has exactly what I'm looking for. The one thing is this entire place that I've been craving lately and I don't know why.

Okay, yeah I do and curse Mother Nature with all of her glory.

What can I say? I get weird-ass cravings while on my period and apparently, Everything Bagels makes the list this month. Of course, I've already got my sour gummy worms in the carry basket, along with a couple of other unhealthy, fatty foods.

All I can say is thank God I've got a boyfriend now who's an ass man because mama's ass here is about to get gigantic with all these damn carbs I keep ingesting.

Boyfriend. Yeah, it's still insane to finally admit but it is what it is.

Only a few days have passed since our date and even though it's been blissful between texts, calls, flowers being sent to my work, etc. etc. of the wonderful gestures Adam's done for me to prove his love; I'm still dreading one thing.

The talk with Caleb.

Now with Lance, that's being handled by Adam and I only hope he understands that just because his father and I are dating, it doesn't mean I'm trying to take the place of his mother. I don't care if he never calls me anything other than Sarah, I'll still love him regardless. He's a great kid and it breaks my heart he lost his mother so soon. I guess, underneath it all, I just want his blessing to be dating his father.

Then there's Caleb, which is my priority since you know, he's my kid. Fuck, I don't even know where to begin. I know he adores Adam and anytime Adam comes over when Lance is conveniently staying over on the weekends, he lights up. But having him around as one of his friend's dad that happens to be his mom's best friend, is completely different than Mom's new boyfriend.

There's also the worry of him thinking I'm moving on too soon. Yes, I lost my husband but he lost his father. Would he think Adam is trying to take his place? I hope not and if he does, I'll have to set it straight right away.

"God, this whole ordeal is giving me a headache," I groan to myself, rubbing my fingertips over the tiny creases in my forehead.

"What is?" Alex shows up next to me with a mischievousness to his aura.

Of course, he'd be here since he and Megan now own Phillip's Market, thanks to her and Lee's grandmother, Thelma. Whenever he's on his lunch, Alex comes here to bug the hell out of his wife and bless Megan with her kind heart for dealing with him on the daily—willingly at that.

I shove the package of six bagels into the basket, begin to walk off, stop, and grab another one just for the hell of it.

"I'm dreading having the talk with Caleb about Adam and me," I finally explain to Alex as we walk down the aisle. A grim expression now spreads across his face and he shoves his hands into his pockets as he walks beside me to the registers.

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