X I I . P R I N C E S S

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


A/N: Lovelies! What did you think of last chapter? That ending?

I know it went a little dark, sad, whatever there but that bit of information is very important for a later time in the story.

Also, just to warn you all once again, this story is by far the darkest and saddest of all the stories in the Daniels Family Series. We aren't even a quarter of the way done with the book so there's a lot that's going to happen. A lot of WTF moments.

This will also be the longest book of the series. Most of them are between 30-40 chapters (if you don't count spin-off synopsis and prefaces) while this will be, as of right now, roughly around 60 ^_^

Also, after some of you have mentioned "what about Ford's story?" Well, he's been mentioned a lot in this story so far, and honestly, if I made a full book about him, it would be repetitive in my opinion since much of his backstory has already been told by Sarah herself.

However, I'm seriously considering writing a novella for Ford.

Meaning, it'll be a short book, approximately 10 chapters total that tells the love story of Ford and Lexie from the moment they met until - well, I could say when, but I don't want to spoil any more of THIS book.

It's not for sure set in stone that I will write that but I've made a note of it for later use. What do you guys think of that? Let me know.

Remember to vote and comment on chapters as well, show the love <3

X I I . P R I N C E S S


"Good girl, Freya," I acknowledge my intelligent and obedient canine as she scratches at the floorboard inside the bedroom of a single-wide trailer I'm currently investigating.

It's been suspected of concealing drug paraphernalia inside. We've been keeping a lookout on it for the last few days until we had enough substantial evidence to hand over to the county judge who finally granted us the search warrant we needed.

"Carson, grab the crowbar and get this floor lifted. Let's see what our suspect has hidden under there," Nate pipes up as he stands next to me with a grim expression.

"Yes, sir," Carson quickly makes work of removing a couple of wooden planks that have Freya's scratch marks etched into their surface.

When I discover the four bags of white powder, I get a sense of disappointment that always follows after busting someone for drug possession.

A large part of me wants the information we obtained to be mistaken and that the person in question isn't entirely tossing their life away by either using or dealing.

"Whelp, that's enough there to book him. Let's get this all bagged for evidence boys," Nate waves his hand towards two other deputies of the department.

He walks out of the trailer with Freya and me right behind him. The suspect in question is currently cuffed in the backseat of my SUV. He has his forehead pressed against the back of the passenger seat.

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