V I I I . U N F O R G I V E N

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


A/N: Another post in one weekend, holy cheese balls! ^_^

Not sure why but I'm amped up to write out more while my fingers are itchy. I really hope you, my lovelies, are enjoying this story so far. I know it's slow progress with updates, and story plot-wise, but I promise it'll be worth the wait.

We are only a few chapters away from the explanation of what happened to Adam and Sarah's friendship.

This is another chapter from Adam's POV.

Curious, who's do you like more? Sarah or Adam?

For me, I personally like writing from the guys POV. Weird I know but it's something new and I can play around with unlike with a girls. Or it could be that as a woman I think like a man a lot of the time so who knows haha ^_^

Thoughts on the last chapter? Also curious if any of my readers have tattoos or have ones that are meant for a significant other or friendship?

I know a lot of people cringe at couple's tattoos but as someone with a couple's tattoos (not a name) it's meh. I don't believe in a lot of superstitions or the one that circles around name tattoos being bad luck haha.

Anyways, enough of the a/n and enjoy this next chapter.

Remember to vote and comment <3

Also the songs that got me typing away at this chapter is
Luke Combs She Got The Best Of Me
Florence + The Machine Shake It Out
Morgan Evans Dance With Me

V I I I . U N F O R G I V E N


The gratifying buzzing sound of an ink doused needle against flesh echos in my ear as I lay on my chest atop a massage table.

The stingy sensation no longer bothers me as my flesh has become numb after two hours of constant vibration.

"You okay Princess?" Lee's snide remark breaks me from my concentration and I open one eye to glare at her.

"Yes, I'm fine," I cringe as the needle moves lower on the back of my bicep where it pinches the small amount of non-existent fat I have on that sensitive part of my arm.

Even with bulging muscles right there, shit still fucking hurts. But I'm not about to admit that to Lee. She'll never let it go for the rest of our lives.

"Mhm," she grins and continues finishing up the last bit of my Phoenix half sleeve.

"So are you excited about tonight? I'm still surprised Sarah invited you," she wipes green soap on my arm, sending a chill through my body.

Fuck, that shit feels good after hours of burning.

"Yeah, well she probably only did it because Lance and Caleb are friends now. Even though Sarah hates me, she's not the type to take it out on a child, even if it is mine," I shrug and sit up on the edge of the bed before sliding down to check out my work in the mirror on the back of the door.

"Looks good, sis," I compliment Lee, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Of course, it looks good. What do you take me for?" she winks as she covers my fresh tattoo with a Saniderm bandage.

"Oh, shut up," I shove at her once she's done and she motions to wrap her arm around the back of my neck to catch me in a headlock.

Of course, because I'm almost a foot taller than her, it doesn't do much. I move my arm up to copy her position and pull her face into my armpit.

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