X X X V I . G E T W E L L S O O N

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Copyright © 2020 by MischiefMaidenX


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X X X V I . G E T  W E L L  S O O N


I wake up in the morning to the sun shining through the sheer curtains of my bedroom window. The warmth from it heats my bareback in a soothing way. It's so peaceful. I can hear the birds chirping right outside my window and it brings a smile to my face at how ridiculously serene that is for me right now. Especially after all that had transpired yesterday.

I stretch out my sore muscles, eyes closed, and snuggle in closer to the now empty side of the bed where Adam was sleeping only hours ago. My hand slowly runs over the divot in the mattress that is now cool to the touch. A frown forms as I wonder where he could be. Lifting my head, I turn it towards the master bathroom, hoping maybe he's in the shower so I could join him; however, the bathroom door is cracked open and nothing but darkness lies beyond.

Stretching yet again, wincing at how sore my legs and lower region are, I sit up in bed to grab my phone that sits on my nightstand. My breath catches as I notice a handwritten note with a single rose from one of my bushes out front laying on top of the device. I smile at the sweet sentimental gesture, reading the words scribbled on the piece of paper in Adam's immaculate handwriting.

Took the puppers for a run. I will be home soon. Now go back to sleep so that I can wake you up properly ;) I love you. Xoxo

After reading the note three times, I twirl the rose between my fingertips before putting it to my nose so I can inhale the vibrant floral scent. The luminous smile on my face can't be ignored. Maybe it's because of what I woke up to or possibly the fact that I have the morning after high of our lovemaking that has me on cloud nine.

Last night, considering the circumstances, was perfect. Never in my life had I felt so appreciated while in the arms of the man I love. Sadly, not even Christopher gave me that. At least, not in the last few years of our marriage.

While Adam had slept next to me in the middle of the night, when we both were too exhausted to continue, I had laid awake - thinking. Thinking about us and what this all means now.

There's a sense of freedom that overwhelms me and honestly, I feel shitty thinking that way. Like I was held captive in my marriage when I wasn't.

I wanted to be there and even though Christopher has recently broken my heart, I had still loved him endlessly while he was still alive. And if he was still alive today and I found out about the affair, I'd probably end up forgiving him in time. I loved him that much to the point I could work on rebuilding our marriage so that we could both find the happiness, the devotional love, we once had together at the beginning. But that's not how fate would've had it. If you believe in that sort of thing. A divine plan.

The more I thought about it and every time I would look over at Adam's peaceful form as he slept, I realized that he was my divine plan all along. How could he not? He gave me that peace, that undying love that I had desperately, yet unknowingly, been searching for.

Adam Michaelson is my person. The one that gets me, knows me so deeply that only he knows how to put me back together so that I'm officially whole again.

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