I sigh and pout on the couch. I starts rubbing my stomach. I image a little tiny baby growing in my stomach. The little kicks against my stomach as me and Hui's baby grows inside of me. I get up and walk to Hui's office
"I want a baby." I yell on the door making my husband of 2 years look at me like I'm crazy.
"Weren't you the one that said let's wait." He says in a sarcastic tone.
"Yes but I want one now. Imagine me with a huge belly that's carrying around our baby. Please baby."
"Y/N baby why would I give you a baby now if you didn't want one when I wanted one."
"Please, Hui Baby."
"No y/n now leave me alone. I'm tying to work."
『︎Hui PoV』︎
Y/N has stopped talking to me after I told her no about having a baby. It's been a week since then and She's been being petty. She changed the locks on the doors and been turning the power off on me.
"Y/N where are all my clothes."
She doesn't answer but she continues folding clothes.
She's being petty for no reason. When it was me asking to have a baby and she told me no and I wasn't petty or anything.
"Y/n you can't be mad when I tell you no because you told me no first."
"I want a Baby."
"No y/n."
"I hate you Lee Hoetaek."
"Y/N stop being petty. There's no god damn reason for you to be mad. You started it first so now I'm finishing it. No means no and that's final."
The way she looks at me is a look of regret and hate. The feeling in my stomach makes me regret everything I just said.
"Fuck you Hui. I wish I never married you."
Y/n stomps out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I sigh and lean against the counter. It stings my heart hearing her say that but it's my fault for getting her to that point.
Out of all the years, we've been together y/n has never said anything that rude or hurtful that time. Maybe I should give her some time to cool off.
{3 hours later}
『︎Y/N PoV』︎
I admit I shouldn't have acted that way but he's getting on my nerves talking me no. He's not my daddy and he shouldn't be telling me what I can't have.
I'm sitting here on the bed looking on Instagram looking at pictures of babies {Baby Fever} when Hui enters the room.
I sit there and continue looking at my phone. Hearing him sigh when I don't even acknowledge him. 
"Y/N baby can I talk to you please."
"Y/N, please."
"No Hui."
"Baby the only reason I acted like that was because I was nervous."
"Nervous about what Hui!"
"After you told me no I started reading about pregnancy and birth just in case you wanted to give it a try. Some websites were staying that there can be a lot of complications during pregnancy and birth. It made me nervous. Losing the person I love the most and our child who we both created but they didn't even get to live long enough to see the world or live their lives. I don't want to lose you or the baby. My life wouldn't be the same without you or the baby."
"Why didn't you tell me, baby."
"I-i didn't want to see you happy about having a baby and me worrying about the worst that could happen. It would've made you stress and it would've been my fault for making you stress."
"Hui I'm sorry for what I said. I wan you to know that I always want to know what's bothering you. I don't want you to keep it bottled inside for it to just exploded. Please tell me from now on. That's what's marriage is about. I want to know your problems and concerns ok baby."
"Ok baby. I promise."
"Can we please try for a baby?"
"Ok but please tell me if you are having pains and always alert me when you aren't feeling and need to go to the hospital."
"Ok Hui I will. I promise."
~ {A year and 2 months}
"Come on bubs look at Appa."
I coo at Hui who plays with our 5 month old baby boy. I smile at my family. The family I wouldn't give up for the world.
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