Case File: First Appearance #11

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Each of the three elLans with Arlow Tsai are volunteers for social causes. Like many Lans (usually youngish adults) that think their planet's Governance and Security operations are sometimes inefficient.

The causes groups generally have agreed upon sequences of non-system communication using eye and mouth movements. The elLan behind Arl has gotten confirming sequences from the other two. She never met them before today.

As she is holding Arl, she rubs her hand along his back. This is supposed to be a belonging evaluation, so affection should be the outward appearance and should be what the alien thinks is happening.

As she rubs along Arl's back, her personal protective system takes an immediate action. She does not have visual systems focused there, and she wants to keep everything stable. She has an excellent view of the park and Wroug Social Order officers. She accesses her protective event logs.

Those systems acted on a fresh sign of a terrible contagion, and the protective system caused it to sterilize some of Arl's clothes. With her finger, she can feel the hole it made.

She knows not to keep a secret for important information like this. She knows the communication ID of the Social Order officer, and forwards her log entries to her hand held data pad. The Wroug gets the message and looks at it, but then stands straight and holds that position.

The elLan considers the situation. She will keep this information for now. It was not an active infection, just a trace of something earlier. The sterilization was automatically performed to confirm there was nothing active. The three of us have protective and health systems to keep us safe.

She takes action, and places a swap plane bracelet on Arl. A few pleasant words, she stretches out his hand to place the bracelet, the swap proceeds.

She feels along the back and discovers that the there is no longer a hole in Arl's clothes. When she looks to the other elLans, so she can exchange signals; those two do not reply.

They just stare.

Arlow Tsai is nice looking. When swapped to a feminine version, all the features just clicked. She does not have makeup, but has a face where makeup is not missed.

As a girl, Arl is a total 100% complete cutie.

Increasingly, many more Lan are watching the live feeds of this park.

Arl is not expecting anything when the bracelet goes on. This is all just a prank or something. Everything goes fuzzy. What he notices first are his hands. He knows his hands. He sees his hands on the steering wheel. He sees his hands when carrying boxes. He sees his hands on the bike handle bars. These hands are smaller, smoother and the nails have polish. The color blending kind of nail polish that corporate guidelines require.

He sees the legs below the cycling shorts. No Hair, Smooth. He decides that he should not be looking. Arl throw back his head. The clouds above have cleared. There in the sky is the Wroug major moon, its satellite sister moon, just like often appears in the Wroug daylight sky.

Arl goes into shock and enters a fetal position, shivering. The Social Order officers notice, but have orders to not interfere. The elLan with the kidnapped spouse notices, and feels worse.

The elLans try to console Arl. Arl asks for the first one, the one that started this. They signal her, and both she and Social Order officers approach. She stands before Arl, and the officers stand behind her a bit aways. Arl asks: "Why did you initiate this? What did you have in mind?"

The older officer says in a whisper "Yes, what did you have in mind?"

She replies Arl: "I.. I. did not have a plan. Just be honest, open and search your heart. You are not under any compunction to do anything."

She turns around and looks at the officers: "I.... I.." She looks at the ground for a while and then looks up to face them. She turns and goes back to her spouse.

The older officer leads the other officer back to where they were. They talk in whispers for a while.

The elLans with Arl try to engage the type of conversation that they previously had; where Arl was quite talkative. Arl is kind of in a fog with answers.

At one point he thinks how girls he knows talk and might think. Casually, he says, "..oh and you know some girls just have a certain quality, they overcome inhibitions just by being there.."

The Lan are often trying to set up social models for all kinds of circumstances. Overcoming inhibitions is a popular topic, and elLans are not slow to have missed that phrase.

The elLan at Arl's back is quite young and perky. Lans can see it clearly, even with her social systems engaged. If you invited her in for privacy party, she would laugh at all stories and make the event a joy.

When she leans over Arl, whose wide eyes are ringed in wetness, and makes statement:

"Please do tell me more about overcoming inhibitions. I can tell you that I really am quite very interested in hearing about your thoughts."

Arl closes the feminine mouth and swallows with an inaudible gulp, and then as the mouth opens to answer; something happens.

As Arlow Tsai describes it later. "That was when the Lan Data Feeds GOT BROKE!"

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