Case File: Connectivity #30

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With each word, "first"'s social control system tries to limit her. It produces a slight jerk often with an audible sound like [ghick].

[ghick] I

[ghick] loath

[ghook] you

[ghok] with

[ghuck] the

[ghick] intensity

[ghick] of ten

[ghick] thousand

[ghock] suns.

[ghick] You

[ghick] have no

[gmick] idea

[ghick] what

[ghick] a

[ghuck] giving and

[ghick] pure

[ghick] person

[ghick] you

[ghick] have

[ghouck] hurt.

[gmick] She

[ghick] overcomes

[ghick] her

[ghick] limits

[ghick] every day,

[ghick] only

[ghick] to focus

[ghick] on

[gick] helping those

[ghick] in

[ghick] need.

[ghick] You

[ghick] have

[ghick] no idea

[ghick] of the

[ghick] intense

[guck] struggle

[ghick] and

[ghick] fortitude.

[ghick] For

[ghick] you

[ghick] to

[ghick] carelessly

[ghouck] use

[ghick] those

[gmick] trigger words.

[ghick] On a

[ghick] person

[ghick] devoted to

[ghick] trying

[ghick] make

[gick] you

[ghick] whole,

[gouk] healthy,

[gick] happy.

[ghick] I

[ghick] have

[ghick] known

[ghick] from the

[ghick] first day.

[gmick] I

[ghick] could

[ghick] feel

[guk] her

[ghick] heart beats

[ghick] in

[gmick] my

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