Chapter 13:Jeonlous

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Jungkook pov

Am walking on the hallways when I spot park jimin with Lee Taemin it's been a week I always saw them hanging out jimin has no time to me he barely talk to me I don't know why I felt this way but who am I to jimin's to have time to me were just friend nothing more nothing less I don't why I feel like this. I just keep walking on the hallways when someone call my name that voice is so familiar so I turn around then I see jimin is yelling my name.

"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled i turn around I just look at him then going back to walking to my classroom
"Wait! jungkook" someone grab my arm in its jimin
"What?" I look at him irrited
" I just why do u not talk to me anymore" Jimin question I just look at him trying to let him go of my arm
" Jungkook answer my damn question" I just look at him then he let go of my hand then walking away he pulled my shirt
"Whatt do u want!" I yelled
"Answer my question Jeon jungkook" Jimin shout
" do u want to fucking know, it's because of u barely talk to me! U always hanging ok with him(pointing to taemin) u always with him always laughing with him giggling  u have no Time with me, oh I forgor we're just friends so who am I to ask some time right I have no rights! " Jungkook said while tears drop on his eye then jungkook walk away crying . Jimin is just shook what jungkook said he just stand there from the shock. Jungkook go to the restroom looking at the mirror his vision his blurry because of his tears dropping
" Why? WHY?! I hate my self I don't know why am jealous am just his friend I don't know what is this feeling anymore I hate my feelings for him!" Jungkook yelled while letting all his tears then someone tap his shoulder jungkook look to his side its taehyung

" I heard what u said u can tell me all am here u can tell all your problems u can relay on my shoulder " Taehyung said while hugging jungkook jungkook is crying
"I don't know I don't know why am jealous" Jungkook said while crying
"what do u feel when your around with him" Taehyung ask
"I get some butterflies on my stomach when am around him. Am so happy when his happy. I love how he gigglings, I love how he s(hiccup) smile and his eyes turn to cr(hiccup) Cresent to to much laugh. I love everything about him" Jungkook said while sobbing and crying

" I think u fall in love with jimin" Taehyung said
" I don't know maybe but am afraid" Jungkook said
" afraid of what?" Taehyung ask
" afraid of being rejected" Jungkook said while looking on the floor tears drop on his eyes
"why do I think jimin's gonna reject u your so handsome kind, lovable, brave, and strong so why do u think jimin's my not like u" Taehyung said while looking at jungkook
"I just just u know I think he he likes taemin because jimin always talking with him always always laughing and giggling with him so so I thought jimin's might like him" Jungkook said while crying
"Don't be silly jungkook I know jimin like u go and ask him to go out with u and say sorry" Taehyung said while whipping jungkooks tears.

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