Chapter 55 : Victory Celebration

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Jungkook pov
We are so happy that we won on all of those great dancers we won we are so happy so today we are gonna celebrate we rent this hotel and going to party and celebrate just the Seven of us of course
So I began choosing some what to wear so I wear this .

Black coat black shirt black pants and black shinny shoes I fix my hair and when am satisfied enough I get my wallet and phone go to the parking lot where is my cars I pick the black shinny sport car and drove it to pick up my Minnie.

Am i front of my baby's house I know on the door to see cheerful jimin inside me he kiss my cheeks and hug me I kiss back and we walk forward to the car I open the car for him he smile at me then I close the door and got in I open the radio started driving at the hotel .

At the hotel ~
We are infront of the hotel the hotel name is Make Love hotel am kinda confuse but jungkook smirk I read it again 'shit' I mumble to my self it's like fuck me but in a nice way I chuckle then we go to the counter and see the lady she great us with a smile .

"Sir how may I help you?"the lady said smilling
"Ahmm we been a reservation to the toppest of this hotel "jungkook reply
"Ohh hi Mr jeon this is the key sir "the lady said giving us the golden key .
We go to the elevator jungkook push the button it's floor 70 we stay silent it's kinda awkward but we reach the floor now we go to the room we push the key on the hole when we heard the click we open the door the room is so big their confetti's balloons wine speaker and all we just wait for the others to be here .

Few minutes later .
They are here we turn the speaker to the highest level playing different party songs we sit to the high chair holding the whine we cheers saying "for our victory celebration"after we tose we drink the half and then we take picture after we take several pictures we drink and drink until we got so much drunk we stared dancing like crazy hoseok is twerking infront of yoongi who seems like enjoying it jin on the lap of namjoon stared giving namjoon hyung a dance lap tae and jimin dancing like crazy am just sitting here watching then having fun am happy seeing them like this while drinking then jimin come forward to me while smiling like crazy guy then he grab my hand .

"Daddy pweese dawce with me and tae "he said with those puppy eyes I chuckle then stand up and stared dancing showing my dance skills I dance to the song jimin showing too his dancing skills then we stared battle dancing I did my best dancing he did too the other guys are cheering the song change it own it I look at jimin he smirk I did free style he did sexy but then I did sexy too the another's are yelling "ohhhh"then the song ended we just stared dancing again then jin shouted are name .

We go there
"What are we doing here ?"I ask
"Truth or dare bruhh"jin said then jimin being to jump I think his excited and his drunk so yeahh
Then we sit on a circle then jin ask jimin
"Jimin truth or dare "jin hyung ask
"Truth !"he said in a excited tone jin hyung chuckle
"Jimin if you didn't know or date jungkook who will you date "jin ask why looking at me with that cocky smirk I just look at him coldy then go back to jimin.
"Ahmm hmmmm maybe taehyungie "jimin said giggling I look at taehyung with those sharp glare
"Woah woah man don't look at me with those eyes jimin is only yours ok and I really love my boyfriend" taehyung said defense I just chuckle .
"Moving on jimin ask someone "jin said
"Hmm yoongie hyung truth or dweir"he said in a cute way but still his drunk .
"Dare"yoongi hyung said
"Ohh dew a lap dewnce to hoseokie hyung "jimin said giggling
Yoongi is beyond shock but just go to hobi hyung anyway and do a lap dance hoseok trying to calm his hormones bitting his lips and trying to control jimin smirk when hoseok seems like he had enough and couldn't control but then yoongi hyung left hoseok lap hoseok is so relieved.
"I don't know you can control your hormones that long "I said as I laugh
"Ohh shut the fuck up JUNGCOCK" he said while he exclaim the jungcock
"You too Hoesuck" I reply he give me that 'what the fuck'glare I just roll my eyes.
"Ok look truth or dare ?"yoongi ask me
"Dare"I said as I roll my eyes.
"Ohh mhm"yoongi said smirking at me I just raise my eyebrows but just answer me with smirk .
"Kiss taehyung on lips for 10 second "he said smirking I just him a disgust face .
"No the hell way !"me and taehyung both yell and looking at each other disgust face.
"Oh come on kook tae is your first kiss anyway "yoongi said while he cross his arm and smirk a little jimin and the others look at me confuse while taehyung look at me disgust and I shake my head and wanna poke .
"Don't ever remind me that is just an incident forget that "I said disgust .
"Yeah yeahh you just trip and fall of on taehyung and just 'accidently' kiss him "yoongi said jimin look at me with annoyed eyes.
I came closer to him and hug him .
"Babe don't be jealous ok is just long time ago when we are a kid ok babe "I said while hugging him tight he nod .
"When your dare is not done yet "yoongi said .
'ughh why would he remind me ughh hate him 'i said as I look at tae disgust him too then we step closer our nose is touching but before we kiss I said something.
"Ok before we kiss their no jealousy no strings attach and no tongue please just a quick peck "I said as I look back at taehyung again annoyed .
"Yeah yeah now shut up and kiss him or else that 10 second will be 1 minute "yoongi said as I look at him hella annoyed so I kiss taehyung as they stared counting to slow their no touching or something we just waiting for the 10 seconds to end but they counting like as more slow than turtle .
"Canw u pwles cunt fwester"I said between the kiss then they counted more faster and the 10 second end
"Ughh finally as I push away "then we stared to rub our lips I run to the sink and was my lips same goes to taehyung then started laughing at us
Then after that we stared and playing again but when we are playing jimin phone buzz and he look at his phone confuse but then he excuse his self for a moment we let him .

Jimin pov
So I excuse my self for a moment to look at the text again I go to the bathroom and lock it and open my phone .

Unknown number

Unknown number :Hi baby boy;)

Jimin:Who the fuck are you !and don't call me that only my boyfriend can call me that asshole !

Unknown number:oh fisty I like you ;-)

Jimin:well I like you too I like to fucking hit you and burn you to death who the hell are you !

Unknown number:Am nobody babyboy ;)

Jimin:Stop using that winking emoticon is doesn't suit you and if you keep doing that I will stich both of your eyes so you couldn't see .

Unknown number :sassy hmm I like that

Jimin:Stop and who the hell are you !

Unknown number :I told you am nobody

Jimin: Then don't text me I don't like to talk to strangers and an asshloe and why did you text me !?

Uknown number:Call me anything you want but I prefer daddy more ;)

Jimin:Yuckk ewww why would I call you that are you an old man a pervert old man go get an old woman or man that same us your age cause am not interested and I already have handsome young talented sweet and nice boyfriend so I don't need your filfty hands or flirty mouth all over me .

Uknown number:Ohhh speaking your boyfriend jungkook break up with him and go to me (。•̀ᴗ-)

Jimin:Yuck never I would rather die than see you or date you and how the hell did you know my boyfriend name

Uknown number:that's a secret baby boy break up with him cause his cheating on you

I think for a moment.

Jimin:Shut up your just jealous cause he have me jungkook have me not you so shut the fuck up and kookie will never cheated on me how could he your just jealous old man that want your filfty hand to touch my body but that would never happen ever I would rather kill you or just die so shut up old fucking man !

Uknown number :Just see baby boy just see;)
I shut  my phone and growl from annoyed who the hell is that piece of shit his just jealous then I came out of the bathroom and go to them an act nothing happen I don't want to ruined the nigth because of that old bullshit man text

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Hi lovely jikookers( ╹▽╹ ) so here's the update
again Jikookers who would be that unknown number why would he want jikook couple to broke up and what will happen to the future what do you think is the man / women is planning if you want to find out then read the next and next I don't know just read the chapter 。◕‿◕。please give feedback and tell me if it's ok or not I love you jikookers so much ♥

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