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Noah POV

Were back and ready for nationals and we see Emily walk through with Michelle

"Listen up A troupe. This year for some of you will be one of the most important in terms of your dance carrer. You may be growing up and being more self dependent but we both want you to know whatever you need Michelle and I are here for you."

After Emily's speech everyone claps and I side hug Richelle as I listen to what they say next.

" Now that that's dealt with I'd like to show you our  choreographers" Emily exclaims

West and Daniel walk through into studio A and everyone is very happy with them as now we have a mix of Daniels technique and West's hip hop.

"Alright A troupe since its a new year we wanna see what you guys can do" Daniel explains to us.

"We will have a quick freestyle session so get in a line" West continues "left starts"

As I walk more to the right end Richelle goes next to me so that she's after everyone else.

Richelle POV

I jog up to Noah getting ready to perform my freestyle and get a feel of the music

From left to right I see

Lola, Kingston, Davis, Summer, Finn, Piper, Ozzy, Jacquie, Henry, Noah then me.

Noah is talking to Henry about going out later, Davies is hugging Kingston and everyone else is talking but I can't hear it properly. All I'm focused on is how to adapt to the music being considered for most of the dances available.

Instantly after I think the music turns on. It's the song Noah had written and sang with Amanda. I don't mind remembering they dated because I was with him and now and she wasn't.

Lola runs and does her solo. It's amazing as usual then Kingston davies and it's coming up to Ozzy. Once Ozzy gets on the floor he does his usual grooves and a few extra tricks like a walkover and a layout. When he walks back to watch the rest of us Henry kisses Jacquie good luck and she kills it. Henry smiles not even noticing it's his turn but he dosent even worry. He won Mr national soloist and was on cloud 9. He done his hip hop and does tricks I've never even seen before. Not only that but I think he has springs in his feet because he was so close to hitting the chandelier. Once he's done everyone claps and Noah runs into he centre. He's so powerful and does everything to perfection. From his pirouette to his layout to his walkover.

I stand there in awe as I've never seen anyone been so amazing before. Before I know it he's dragging me in and we do a helicopter lift. He puts me down and leaves me to do my solo. I throw in some acro moves but I try to put real emotion into my dance to show West and Daniel I've changed and can show that in my dance.

The freestyles are done so West, Daniel, Michelle and Emily walk into the office discussing something.

Emily POV

Were in the office right now because what the dancers didn't know is that is thier audition for what they're going to do in internationals.

"Henry is amazing I've never seen those moves he's like you West." i say to them

"not only that but he's got a higher jump than I've ever seen and those twists haven't even been seen in the dance world. We have to give him the international solo."

"I agree" Daniel and Michelle say simultaneously

I nod then move onto the next topic

"Between Richelle, Jacquie and Lola we need to decide on the female solo"

"I think Richelle can bring it because she now shows more emotion and that with her tricks will be amazing" Michelle says

"Lola was good but she's one level below Richelle and it would be safe to have Richelle do it as she's not under pressure, she's precise and she can get it cleaned quicker and easier" Daniel pleades

"That's true" West agrees

"Right now onto he toughest one" I say "Duets"

"Fiper, Jenry, Nochelle or Kadies are the options" West states

"Kadies dosent sound right" Michelle says

"It dosent matter the ship name we know who they are! " Michelle exclaims "Now what should we do about it"

"hold auditions for the duets because they all give something individual to the dance" Michelle says

"yeah your right" Daniel agrees

"small group?" Emily demands

"lola, Henry, Finn, Noah and Ozzy" West says as he reads through his list      
"That's the only one I disagree with" Daniel says
"Why?" Michelle asks
"from what i was seeing we need to keep the small group a bit more technical so I would've gone for: Ozzy and Finn to keep more hip hop, Summer and Davis for a bit more technique and then Noah who could do both with ease"

West ponders for a minute and then agrees

"If that's what you think" I say

"I'm listening" I say falling into his brown eyes

Silence falls as Emily and West look at each other

"Hello you two?" Michelle says as she snaps them out of it

"Right!" West blurts out and proceeds to look at his list

"Perfect" I say "Let's go tell the dancers"

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