Let's Get It Started

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Henry's POV

Emily, Michelle, Daniel and West come out the office after they had thier discussion. I see they have a list and I'm confused

"Listen up A troupe" Emily says gaining the troupes attention
"We now have the list of what your all going to do at internationals but this isn't the final decision as we want to see who gets better over time. Never feel that your spot is safe because it isn't. People will be trying to have what you have. I suggest you don't let them take it. "
As I'm listening my nerves get more tense as we all wait. Emily's words are engraved in my brain and I'm going to do everything I can to get in the most dances as long as it dosent hurt the team.

As I'm thinking West starts to get ready to say what we're doing for internationals.

Richelle POV

I'm so excited to see what I'm doing. I don't expect to be in every dance just 1 or 2 as I don't want to have so much pressure on my shoulders. I'm used to pressure but after I had my injury during the regional qualifier video I'm a bit anxious of rehearsing a lot so much so it gets bad.

I see West looking down his list and I can't wait.

"We will now read out who's done what but like I said before it's not final" Emily says finishing off her speech

"All right everyone I'm going to say the list quickly and then I'll put it on the board so you can all see for yourself" West announces

I listen closely and see everyone's as focused in it.

Noah pov

West is about to announce the names and Richelle is super tense. I quickly side hug her indicating for her I'm there for her just so she can calm down.

"Mr International soloist goes to...

I'm so proud of my bro and I see him smiling while everyone claps.

Henry POV
I'm so happy I can't help but smile. Jacquie kisses me on my cheek and I can tell everyone accepts it because they all clap for me. I didn't even think I would get it but I'm glad they all thought I was the best fit.

Kingston POV

Henry deserves this. He got the national solo and killed it so I have no doubt he will do well at his solo.

Jacquie POV

I'm happy for Henry because he's worked so hard to be on top and even though he dosent see himself at it I know he is.

After everyone stops clapping West goes to speak again.
"The female solo goes to....

I'm not suprised but I'm not angry because shes one of my best friends and I know she will do everything to win

Richelle POV

AHHHHH I'M SO happy I can barely react but I go to hug Noah because he's the person that I'd like to share this moment with.

Noah POV

I'm not suprised Richelle got the solo. She's the second best dancer in the whole studio and she's amazing. She is perfect. With her and Henry on the solos I'm sure we can get 10 extra points. When she hugs me it feels like lightning bolts spark out of us. She is the only one that makes me feel this way. The best way.

Lola POV

Richelle got the solo and I'm proud of her. I wanted the solo too of course but everyone does. Richelle won fairly and she was better. She's one of my best friends so I'm so happy that all her hard work pays off.

Henry POV

Richelle and I are on solos and I know we will be the best and win.

"Let's continue" Daniel says
"We all looked and the candidates for duets and we couldn't decide to pick because we all had diffrent ideas. Richelle and Noah. Finn and piper. Davis and Kingston. Henry and Jacquie. We want you guys to audition for the duet" He concluded.

I'm glad we were considered for the duet and everyone seemed happy with that.

Noah POV

The duets are going to be interesting to audition and I can see why everyone was torn on who should do it as we all bring something diffrent to the table.

Before anyone can think or talk Daniel starts to say the small group names

"Small group has 5 people and it will be Noah, Ozzy, Finn,
Summer and Davis"

Summer POV

I can see why they picked us because I see 2 more hip hop and groovy dances and Davis and I are more technical and Noah can do both.

Davis POV

I'm so happy I got the small group because we all connect on a positive level.

Emily POV

Now that's done Im so happy that we have most of the dances done but we may have to make changes in the future just in case something dosent work out.

"All right A troupe go home get rest and ill see you tommorow" I say

Everyone starts to pack up and leave to go home. We all leave and I go home knowing my team done a job well done.


Just reminding you I'm new to this so any spelling mistakes please message me and don't judge me so much on this book as I'll have more in the future.

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