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Im at home and I'm just on my bed. I'm crying a bit but mostly angry. Ty really hurt me by doing that. When I went to acronation is was to become a featured dnacer I wanted to be. I helped them qualify for regional and they were giving me featured dances which is what I loved. Acronarion never hurt the next step and we wouldn't of done the finals without they're help. Ty went to a team that hurts people. My friends. I really hate that he betrayed me like this and had to do it in front of everyone.

Call from:Ty

I don't want to speak to Ty right now but I feel like I have to let him speak. I need to know his side of things.
"Hey Amy. Thanks for picking up"
"what do you want"
"to talk. I'm sorry for telling you that way"
"the Gemeni gave me the male international solo. That's the best oppertunity I could ever get in my dance carrer. I couldn't turn it down"
"thats great but I thought you were better than that. From what the team has been saying Gemeni drama is intense. I even heard that the Tyrell guy forced himself onto Richelle"
"The Gemeni aren't exactly the kindest people but they trust me. I have this great oppertunity and I won't waste it."
"i understand but if you try and mess with us ill make sure you get what's coming to you"
"I wouldn't dream of it. Still together"
"OK. I got to go I need to get ready for tommorow. I'm attending a new school because I left acronation"
"oh really. What school is it"
"actually I think it's where most of the Gemeni go. The Gemenis invited me to the party to meet people that.."
"goes to our school. That's great your in my school."
"awesome. Does that mean you'll show me around?"
"im still getting used to it. Henry showed me around but maybe your Gemeni friends will help you out?"
"yeah for sure. I guess I will be seeing you tommorow"
"see ya Ty"

I set my phone on charge and just stare at the ceiling. Things haven't been this awkward since I left Tns. As excited I am to stil be with Ty and him going to my school, I know this won't end well.

Time skip into morning 7am

My alarm clock wakes me up. I instantly turn it off and pick up my phone to check messages. I make my way to the shower and then get changed.
Once I'm finishing I make my way downstairs and my mum greets me.
"hello Amy"
"hi mum"
"you have rehearsals today so I packed your bag and also I topped up your account"
"thanks mum"
"what would you like for breakfast. Dancers always need to have energy and its the most important meal of the day?"
"ill just have cereal"
I say grabbing a bowl
"ill do that for you"
She grabs the bowl and puts cereal in it topping it up with milk. Sometimes my mom can be clingy. She wants my dance carrer to be perfect and to do that she needs me to be perfect.
"so anything interesting happen yesterday?"
"I hanged out with A troupe. It was a fun party"
"great to hear. I hope you still have energy in you"
"I have loads. I didn't come home too late and I didn't dnsce for the whole night. I just sat and chilled out"
"that's good we wouldn't risk an injury. How's that situation with Ty going. When you left acronation a few weeks ago I haven't seen him around"
"actually he left acronation too. For Gemeni"
"oh Amy I'm so sorry. I know that you'll come up against each other at internationals. I'm sure he still loves you and Is doing what's best for him"
"it's fine we talked and we will stay as normal. He's joining my school today"
"that's good news. Just rememeber what I told you"
"never mix personal life with professional?"
"I'm going to go mum. Bye"

I leave my bowl at the kitchen counter and go out the door. Grabbing my dance bag I head to the door. My cars parked upfront so I go out and get into it.

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