The Last Tear Drop

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I only done one update yesterday because I was busy doing some stuff and I fell asleep. Sorry about that but I'm back. We're going to start maybe going to do time skips by a few weeks simply because I have loads of fillers to g free t to the juicy bits so I'd rsther get to the juicy bit or fill a page and not 3.

A few weeks later
Richelle POV

Im walking into school with Davis and Lola because we're going to the same class.
"it was hilarious but I felt really bad for them"
"I can only imagine that happening to me. I would have killed the driver"

We all laugh and then we see a big banner in the middle of the hall. Everyone's staring at it. I quickly read it and it says Prom.
This prom is our last one at the school. It's going to be special especially as it will be my first prom going with Noah. Davis squeals as do all the other girls in the hall and they rush out to find people.
"I'm so excited for prom" Lola says
"it's going to be magical. I can't wait for the lead up to it. Promposals. The picks of dresses. The hours before where we pamper ourselves" Davis says
"I need to find Noah. The quicker I find him the quicker I find rhe best dress to where"
"not if I get to Ozzy first" Lola says
"your on" Davis adds

We run to find where the boys are.

After a bit of searching I find Noah and Finn talking. They're at thier lockers.
"hey Richie what's up"
"did you see the prom signs? Are you going to ask me? We need to get best dressed awards"
"actually Richie I wasn't thinking on going to prom this year. I'm thinking of staying home"

My smile immediately dropped into an unreadable face.
"oh OK. Never mind then" I walk away super dissapointed. Did he not want to go with me? I guess I'll just go to my last prom at school with myself. Does Noah even love me enough to care about my feelings. He turned me down with no hesitation.

Noah POV
After Richelle Finn turns to me

"so your planning a promposal?"
"of course bro. Let's plan it"
"only if you help me with Piper?"
"piper dosent like Promposals. She likes straight up"
"your right. How do you know her more than me?"
"known her for a while. Come on let's go"

Kingston POV

"Davis did you hear?"
"yeah did you?"
I get on one knee
"this is kind of wierd but I don't mind. I know you like grand gestures so will you wait for me to ask you to prom?"
"of course. I only want to go with you" she says kissing my cheek
"thanks. I'll see you soon"

I need to plan a promposal.

Lola POV

I walk to the side Ozzy and I kiss his cheek.
"hey Lola"
"Hey. Did you see prom sign. I think it's gonna be fun this year"
"and whys that?"
"because I actually want to go with a girl this year"
"oh and how might that be?"
"Im thinking of going with that girl in science class. She's really funny and I want to get to know her"
"oh OK. Ive got to find Richelle and give her something. Bye"
"bye" he says

Im crying inside. My heart just broke. He wants to know another girl better. That really hurt my heart.

Ozzy POV

I don't even have to say what I'm going to do. You already know. I need to find the boys to help me start planning. It has to be perfect.

Finn POV

Im with Noah on our free period and we're walking. I see Piper and we hug.
"Hey piper. Wanna go to prom?"
"of course Finn. I was awaiting for when you'd ask"
"thank you"
We hug and she goes back on her route. Now to help Noah out.

Henry POV
I'm walking on my free period and I'm kind of just walking while listening to music. I don't know how to ask Jacquie to prom and she won't ask because she will know I'll ask. It's all confusing. I don't know how to ask her perfectly so I'm gonna just wait for the answer to come to me. I moonwalk down the halls and start thinking for ideas

Jacquie POV
I'm trying to find Henry so that I can check up on him. I think he's going to prompose to me so I just want to check if he's gonna give anything away. I turn the corner and he's moonwalking with airpods in.
He turns around and jumps
"hey jacquie whats up?"
"I'm just walking. You okay?"
"yeah of course why?"
"just checking. Anything planned for the rest of the week?"
"not really. If I do do anything I'll do it on the fly"
"oh OK. I'm going to the dance studio. Have fun"
I kiss his cheek and walk on.
He's not giving anything away.

Summer POV ( for you summer fans my bad I haven't been including her as much as possible just a few lines here and there I'll work on it)

I came to the dance studio to see Aaron working on his technique. I walk in and he's just working on the moves.
"if you want help you could come to the best?"
"oh Where's Noah?" he jokes
"just try and keep your core engaged."
He tries it again and it works.
"thanks summer"
"no problem. I wanted to ask you something?"
"of course"
"would you liketogotopromwithme"
"would you like to go to prom? With me?"
"I've been waiting for you to say that" he chuckles
"so does that mean we're dates?"
He asks
"so we're dating?"
"I guess"
"I like that"
He says as he moves closer
I look into his eyes and he looks into mine.
"may I?" he asks
"you may"
We kiss for 5 seconds before we pull apart
"see you later" I say
"bye summer"
He kisses me this time. I'm ecstatic. It was magical. No one made me feel this way. "

School ended and I'm going to find Ty. He didn't ask me to prom today so I want to see what he's doing and if he will ask. I turn round the corner and I see him. Kissing another girl. I see it and it dosent look real it looks like it shouldn't be real it looks like he wasn't real. He sees me and tries to pull away.
A tear falls and I walk away.

Rage pours out of me. I'm sorry? You break my heart and you say I'm sorry. As I looked back at him tear drops started to fall from my eyes and soon the skies started to cry too. As the rain poured I looked back at him and rage engulfed my body.

She looks away from me and at the floor. I look dead into Tys eyes.
"maybe its better if we take a break and stay friends. In fact it's better we don't even talk at all"

I walk away but before I leave I loknback at Ty and the girl
"at internationals I'm going to make sure if you come up against us ill tell the team to go that much more higher"
I walk off and start to cry as I get in my car. I call piper and tell her what happend
"Amy in so sorry. Do you wanna stay at my place. My sisters arent at home and mum and dad went on holiday. It would just be us. We can invite the girls and make a night out of it?"
"that'd be nice. I'll get ready for it. What time?"
"after rehersals"
"OK. I'll see you in at the studio"
I get out of the car and walk into my house. As I'm there I just jump on my bed. My mums finally on a date so she will leave me alone. I get ready for rehearsals and leave the house. I'll put in more work than I was before just to destroy the Gemeni. Karmas a bitch.

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