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Lola POV

Today is semi final day! It's going to be amazing and exciting. We're going up against a Swedish academy and they're really good. We have 13 people so 2 are alternates. Daniel made a deal that whoever dances in the semis dosent get a confirmed spot in the finals meaning that if you dance now you may not dance in the finals but if you don't dance the semis your guarenteed.
Henry and Richelle sat one out becauee they got to do the solos and it wouldn't be fair for everyone else to shine.

A troupes rehearsing the dance and Richelle is counting us in. Michelle's spotting mistakes and West's writing notes while Emily and Daniel are discussing stuff.
"OK nearly there and a 5 6 7 8"

We continue on and we finish standing in place.
"Its ready. Michelle?" Emily asks
"one more time just to get it engraved then we can head for lunch"
Everyone nods and starts dancing. Michelle points out little spacing errors just to make sure it's crisp.
After finishing West claps.
"that's great guys. Let's head to lunch and have a break" we grab some of our stuff and decide to head to a restaurant called Jay's Kitchen. It's empty so it was perfect for us because we had loads of space to work with. We combined 3 tables so we could Al sit together.
A/N I don't know if you care but I always like to give you visualisation so heres what everyone ordered
Lola. fries and chicken salad with a water
Davis sushi with lemonade
Kingston spaggheti blognese and water
West fish and chips because he liked it last time he got it with water
Emily salad mix with water
Michelle pinnaple pizza and apple juice(don't worry I hate pineapple too)
Daniel steak with water
Richelle 20pc chicken nuggets and chips with water
Noah burger and orange juice
Piper salad and lemon water
Finn burger with apple juice
Ozzy pepperoni pizza and sprite
Amy salad and strawberry smoothie
Henry double burger with fries and coke
Aaron chicken and chips with a fanta
Jacquie chicken salad with fries and a kale smoothie
Summer sushi with water

Were all eating and discussing stuff. It's really great that we bond over everything and not juse dance. The way we get on is amazing and it just show how we became a family in a short time. We'd do anything for this team.

The food was amazing like its the best I ever had. Everyone seemed to enjoy it considering how we finished everything. Emily ordered us ice cream and cake to celebrate the semis and that was amazing too. Then she made an announcement.
"Well everyone this is where we are. Semi finals at internationals. It's everything we could've ever wanted but I do have an announcement. This announcement is go-"
"your preganant" I snap quickly.
I know how she's pregnant because of the way she's acting. Constantly look at her stomach aswell as this she ordered a water when usually she'd have red wine. It's not that hard to figure out but I didn't want to jump to conclusions before I knew.
"congrats Lola. Yes everyone were pregnant" she says side hugging West. Everyone in the room claps. Westmily is going to have a baby that's so cute.
"and because of this we're getting married"
The girls glare at each other knowing its about to go down.
"I already called maid of honour ladies it's too late" Michelle says. I was definetly going to become maid of honour but that's alright. Michelle is her best friend of all time after all.
"I call best man!" Noah, Henry, Finn, Ozzy, Kingston and Aaron say
"about that. There's no best man but it's not cause of you guys it's more of the fact James and eldon would debate over who should do it so every man there is a best man" West exclaims
"I can live with that" Ozzy says. We all laugh at his jokes.
"OK sorry to drop a bombshell but let's go we have to get ready now" Emily says. We pack our things and head back to get ready.

A few more minutes and I'm going to be dancing with my family on that stage. It's going to be amazing. Henry and Richelle cheer us on while we get ready tot ake the stage.
"let's win this" Michelle screams. West and Daniel woo and Ozzy holds my hand as we walk on stage.
Last time A troupe made it here they done a dance about teaching hip hop to people in a dream this time its diffrent. This one's about teaching people how to dance. Everyone's frozen in place and Kingston dances and we slowly unfreeze and follow his movement. It's similar to that dance only it's not as swing and its more fun in general. I try to think of it as one of the dance trends when you follow someone's last move and make it your first move because thats what they're doing essentially. Amy does her turn sequence and everyone joins in and after they flip her and its so crisp to look at.

"OHHHH THAT FLIP WAS ESQUSITE" Chuck Anderson says staring at us. We get into some hard hitting moves and the music is just perfect. I feel the beat and everyone can feel it too becauee the way they're body's are moving is en pointe. See what I did there. We finish freezing out one by one and Aaron does his layout and then we all freeze out except for Aaron who's confused. We all gets claps and the dance went exactly as it was supposed too.

We smile and head to the wings we're Daniel congratulates us.
"The next step has scored 89 points"
89 is good that's tough to beat.
The Swedish team go on and they crush it. I enjoyed there performance it was very technical and jazzy.
"Sweden has scores 88 points meaning the next step move through to the finals"
We all scream but we respect Sweden performance. 1 point off was unlucky.
The Gemeni go next and they actually do really well. A lot of props and alot of acro tricks catching the judges attention. They score 96. A whole 96. I knew then summer Ford had lost. They took the stage with pride and scored a respective 85. I console them as I used to dance with them and they go home with there heads down.
"the final will commence tommrow with the Gemeni taking on the next step both from Canada"
Both troupes step on stage and this is bigger than internationals and we both know that. Every dancer there has there eye on who they want to take down and we're gonna make sure we put them in thier place.

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