Good To Go?

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Noah POV

We arrive at the hospital because we want to see if Jacquie is okay. The Gemeni hurt her and what they did was really low. It was a punch that hit her hard. Jacquie is a fighter though. I won't be suprised if she makes us take her to Rehearsal. We only have an hour thirty till we have to be there. As we have no school Emily and Michelle want us there early to get some choreography in with Daniel and West.
Ozzy asks the nurse where Jacquie is
"room 206"
"lets go" I say rushing to the elevator.
Once up there we take the left and knock on Richelles room. Henry opens the door and signals us in. Jacquie is awake and she seems OK. Only problem is that she has a bruise on the side of her cheek. She sits up and greets us. Some of us are sitting but I'm standing.
"Jacquie are you OK" Kingston asks
"I'm fine I'll be out 30 minutes tops"
"that's great. But can you dance?"
Piper says with an encouraging smile
" That Gemeni kid won't know what hit him at internationals. From now on I'm gonna go 110 percent. Theyre gonna pay for what they did."
Everyone nods and agrees. They hurt me. They hurt Jacquie. They tried to hurt Kingston. And they won't get away with it.

" If they think they're dividing us by doing this they won't be able to comprehend what's about to happen. " Henry says with anger in his eyes. "TNS. Live as a team. Die as a team. But always a team. You guys are my team. And this team is going to win. I can feel it"

I shed a tear at his speech and I can see everyone else is suprised. After this I can tell his dancing is only going to go way better. Maybe even better than me. I start to clap and everyone joins in.
"From now on leave them alone. I don't want to go through this again." Richelle says while looking at Jacquie. I think we all know that we should take it easy and not annoy them. We are stronger than them but it's not worth winning a war with violence. We do it on the stage.

My phone rings. It's an unknown number so I step outside to take it. Its my home room teacher.
"hey Noah how are you"
"I'm good Mrs Peters how is everything"
"not good. Whatever battle you have with your dance studio war turned violent and of course we don't want that. You didn't react which is good. When they hurt you we had to expel them. I had a meeting with thier parents and the principle while they had lawyers with them. Long story short we can't expel them. I know you Noah and you want justice. We need more solid evidence to expel them as their was no witnesses and cameras were somehow short circuited. Be careful and don't confront them. It will only get worse. "
" Miss they hurt me. They hurt my best friends girlfriend right now. I am outside her hospital room right now because of what a Gemeni boy did to her! I am not letting them get away with this it's not fair"
"Noah breathe. I'm so sorry that Henry had to go through that and his girlfriend. I've known you guys and I know that you guys will stick together. For me Noah I want you to be safe. That's the number 1 priority. These guys are diffrent level. They won't stop hurting you until your gone so I suggest you stay away. Hang around with your crew at most times. Any time you can. Don't talk don't look and don't even think about them. If you stay calm and don't do anything they won't attack you but if they do be sure to run. Run to me or run to any other teacher. Your a good kid and I want you to be okay. I have to go now but send a get well soon message to Jacquie for me"
"thank you for everything you've done Mrs Peters. I'll use your advice. Have a good one."
"you too Noah"

I walk back into the room and I have to tell the team about what's going on. To keep them safe for all our sakes.
"guys we need to talk. The Gemeni aren't getting expelled. Mrs Peters tried everything but they got out of it. We have to stay safe so I'm saying to you stay away"
"what do you mean they aren't getting expelled. They sent you to hospital! They sent Jacquie to hospital! They hurt Kingston! There's no way that they should be allowed to get away with this. Finn says remenicing on all the hurt that's happend in the past 2 weeks.
"they have the best of the best looking after them. Theyre lawyers said something that made the Principal not expel them. If we don't do anything to them and they do something to us then if we get a vid-"
It was then I remembered.
"Lola do you till have the video!?"
"Yes here!"
The video is good. It shows all of what they did. I'm ecstatic. They can't get out of this in anyway possible. Destruction of property. Violence. Henry's punch was after Jacquie got hit which makes it self defence. With this we can show them for what they are.

"Is it good" Ozzy asks
I grin. Its everything and more.
"it looks like we won't have to wait to internationals to get our revenge"
Everyone is happy. They know what this means.
"Jacquie honey we can have you out of here now but can you please come so sign some forms."

Now we're even more happy. Everything seems to go our way now. It's perfect.

Jacquie POV

I sign some forms and were allowed to go now. I'm also permitted to dance but don't overdo it. Henry tosses me my phone and we all go to our cars. We have an hour to get to rehearsals so we will make it. Before we get in the car I make a quick call to my dad telling him what happend. He's on a trip and won't be back for 2 months so he deserves to know and not be worried. He's kinda angry but when he hears Henry defended me after he gets a bit relaxed.
I get into the car and we all go into he cars we were in before.
In Henry's car

Were blasting music and our leading the rest of the guys to rehearsals

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Were blasting music and our leading the rest of the guys to rehearsals.

Summer POV

We all meet up in the parking spot. We were a bit behind but it wasn't long. Once walking up the stairs we walk in and start to put our stuff in the cubbies. Rehearsal is in studio A and there we see Emily Michelle and West. Daniel is with a guy. We don't know who he is. We kind of all look at each other. They're dancing together and he looks good. Technical. Cut-. And very cutting edge. Yeah cutting edge. I wonder what his name is and where he came from. Then It all clings together. He's probably trying to join A troupe. Emily dosent believe in alternates but after what happend at Nationals to her I think she was convinced we need one. I hope I get to work with him soon if he does make A. He seems like he's a good dancer and an even better kis-. Never mind I don't have a crush on him. He's new I don't even know him.

Richelle POV
This news guys good but who is he? Where did he come from? I guess his dancing is good but not the best. Few stumbles but they're hard tricks. Dosent matter anyways. More likely he'd be the alternate.
"hello A troupe. I'd like you to meet our new member" Michelle starts off. "his name is..."

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