Dancing In The Moonlight Part 2

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Ozzy POV

Once the food was ordered and we had to wait Richelle suggested a game of firsts. Firsts is a game where someone says what was your first.... And you have to answer.

We all sat in a circle Kingston got to ask first because he called dibs.
"OK Finn. What was your first console."
"My first console was a ps2 and it was a classic. I really enjoyed it and I played on it for hours as a kid."
"same" I said and all the boys agreed
"OK now Summer. Who was your first boyfriend"
"my first boyfriend... It was in grade 7 and I had a boyfriend named micheal. We were ebst friends but then we broke up because we went to diffrent middle schools."
"awwww" piper said
"it's fine it wasn't serious anyway" she said giggling
"Richelle who was your first crush" summer said eagerly almost in one breath
Richelle took a moment
"it was Noah. Since the first star lift in J troupe I've had a thing for him"
"thanks rich I never knew you've felt the same way I do for so long" he said giving her a kiss. It lasted 10 seconds
"OK love brids were playing a game" I say interrupting them
"Fine then Ozzy who was your first kiss"
I stood still. I was really embarrassed but I had nothing to worry about because I told everyone I was saving myself for the one. None of the girls I've met were the one.
"I haven't had my first kiss"
No one was really shocked but they felt sad for me
"it's OK honestly I'm saving myself for the one. Anyways next one."
I look around the circle and I pick piper
"Piper what was your first competition"
Piper told us all about it
"it was a solo competition and I came 1st and that's when I knew I had to become a dancer forever" she said enthusiastically.
"Lola what was your first impression of the boys here"
Piper asked
"to make long story short

"I can live with that" Kingston said laughing with the us.
What I couldn't believe is that Lola called me cute. I never thought of myself as cute but that was really nice of her.

"Jacquie could you tell us what your first date was like" Lola had said.
"my first date...My first date was with Henry when we were 13. We had gone to an Italian restaurant and it was super delicious. It had the best pasta I've ever had."

"I remember that. That was my first ever date too" Henry said with a smile.

"Noah what was your first sport you ever played" Jacquie asked. We all knew Noah was good at sports so it was a good question.

Noah POV

Jacquie asked a good question. "my first sport was soccer. I was good at it but I preferred American football better"

I sat looking at my next victim. There was something I did want to know about Henry.
"Henry what was your first time like?"
I came in with he best question of the whole game. It was interesting topic.
"actually you will all be suprised to know in all my years I've never had sex once"
I had never had sex with Jacquie once. Richelle and I have only done it twice but its new but its amazing.
" yo Davis what was your first hard breakup like" Henry said drawring all his attention onto Davis.
"I've never had a boyfriend before Kingston so I've not had one yet"

Everyone nodded but they were kinda suprised. I think everyone else knew that it was because she was dating Kingston and had no one before that they were destined to be together for some reason."

"Kingston what was your first impression of me" she asked

"you were really beautiful and you were kind and easy to make friends with. I enjoyed spending time with you so I found you unbelievable"

Everyone in the circle cood because that was a really nice compliment. I put my thumbs at at Kingston to basically say you done good "

We finsiehd firsts but there was still an hour to go till the food got here. Everyone was on thier phones quickly checking messages. I came up with a really good idea.
" Why don't we play spin the bottle"
Everyone stops and stares.
"i know its wierd but its fun and we won't mean anything by it" I say pleading
Summer agrees and soon everyone starts to reluctantly agree.

"what type of bottle do you want"
Henry asks
"glass" everyone says in unison.

We get the game underway. I have to spin first because I suggested the game but before I do I make 1 rule. " I don't know bout you girls but us boys are not missing each other."
"word" Kingston says
"fine but I'm sure the girls will be fine kissing each other anyways"
Piper says with a sort of grin on her face. This was going to be fun

Henry pov
So we start spin the bottle with Noah spinning it.
The bottle lands on somebody. It lands on Piper.
Noah leans in and kisses Piper for 5 seconds. It was cute because she was smaller so when they got up to kiss it made her look so short.

Anyways next was Richelle. She span the bottle and it landed on the last person I expected. Me. She's one of my good friends so it was gonna be awkward. When we stood up and I walked over to her she was so much shorter than me.
"is it OK if I lift her up" I ask Noah
He nods in agreement.
I pick Richelle up and kiss her for  a few seconds. It was wierd but to be honest it wasn't that bad.
Summer then got to spin the bottle. She span it and it landed on
Davis. She walked to Davis and quickly kissed her for 3 seconds.

Ozzy was next. I asked Ozzy if he was sure to play because I know this would be his first kiss. He wanted it to be perfect but I guess he decided he should get it over with. He kissed the bottle before spinning it. Those seconds of spinning were very exciting.

Lola. It landed on Lola. I was flabbergasted to be honest. Lola was super nice and her and Ozzy were good friends. I think all that destiny stuff Ozzy said and about waiting for the right time. Now was the right time. For some reason it just felt OK to see him and Lola kiss. The same way they looked at each other was the same way I looked at Jacquie or how Kingston looked at Davis. It seemed like they meant to be. They kissed for 10 seconds as I could tell Lola wanted Ozzys first kiss to be special. When he sat back into his seat I knew he loved it.

Next was Kingston and I saw it landed on Summer. Summer had already kissed Davis who was Kingston girlfriend so it was kinda wierd. They got it over with quick and went back to sit down. It was now Jacquie turn and something in the back of my mind was telling me this was gonna be a reverse. I don't know what It meant but then I could feel my brain almost tingling.
The bottle stopped. On Noah. My mind was right. The reverse was because I had kissed Richelle and now Noahw as going to kiss Jacquie. They used to date and used to do this all the time. Noah leaned in and Jacquie met halfway. They kissed and after a 4 second state at each other they speed walked back to thier seat.
It was my turn and I wanted to get this decent. I didn't want to do the boys obviously so I tried to get it to land on Jacquie. My plan completely backfired. I got the spin wrong because of the way my hands moved so it was rogue. We all waited and it landed on Davis. Davis and me were cool so kissing her would make things kinda awkward but not really. She came up to me and kissed me. It was for 8 seconds. We pulled away at the same time and she walked away.
Jacquie had her turn and it landed on Finn. Finn bent down and kissed her.
Lola turn and it landed on Ozzy again. Everyone looked confused but I knew that it was destiny. Summer also knew because I know she uses crystals and cards. Things I would never do. But it seems like this time she was right. Lola and Ozzy kissed again more passionately this time. It seemed ant amount of force the other brought the other would bring just as much. They pulled away after Noah had coughed  on purpose to gain attention . A record of 20 seconds. That was when we all secretly knew they were meant for each other. Eventually the doorbell rang and I opened the door with my card in hand. Loads of food and at least 3 men were carrying the food. I asked  Noah and Kingston to help carry the food inside. Once we got all of it I paid for the food and shut the door. We had everything. Chinese. Pizza. Burgers. Indian. Some other stuff. We had sides like salad fries etc. And for desert we had cookies and ice cream.
This was gonna be intresting

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