What Are You Waiting For Part 3

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Jacquie POV

We all just agreed to never speak of that game again and go back to normal. But Amy and Aaron still get cake. I'm dancing around with Henry and the party's starting to die down so we will leave soon. There's only about 50 people left anyways. A troupe is still here and where just showing off some tricks.

Its been a fun party and I really enjoyed everything about it Except the thing we won't speak about. Everyone's had fun. There's only 2 more parties after this that we will have together so it's nice to just vibe with each other because this is one of the last times we will all be together to just have fun and be young.

A slow song comes on and we all get into partners except Amy. It's kind of awkward for one second but then someone arrives.
Ty. He sees Amy and they wave at each other. I don't know what he's dressed up as but frankly I don't care. All I know is know they're slow dancing together. I'm looking behind Henry's shoulder.
"uh huh"
"watch looking at?"
"Ty and Amy"
"why what's up with them?"
"nothing I just want dto make sure Amy's OK. I didn't know her and Ty were sitll together?"
"neither did I but it dosent matter as long as she's OK"
"your right I should stop worrying"

We slowly look at each others eyes just swaying to the music. Right when we're about to kiss Amy screams out.
She then storms off into the other direction and everyone's looking at her.
"Ty what did you do?" Summer asks
"i just told her I'm going to internationals"
"you can't be your not on our team"
"i know I'm with a new studio. Gemeni"


Everyone is kind of shocked but Ty is a bit confused.
"Well then. I guess your the enemy now" Kingston calls out.
"I had to do what was best for my carrer"
"Ty I know we had tension in the last but that bro was low. No wonder Amy stormed off" Henry says with his hand round mine. The troupe agrees.

"can you tell Amy I'm sorry. She dosent want me here so ill get out of her way" he says looking at Henry and I.
I nod.

He makes his way to the door and leaves. The troupe is murmuring to each other. This means the Gemeni have gotten new people from diffrent teams to compete.

"Jacquie can I go che-"
"go on"
"you sure?"
"don't even worry about it"

Henry quickly leaves and I check my phone. My socials are obviously bursting and I'm just checking up on everything for a while. 2 minutes later Henry returns with Amy and his hand is around her shoulder. He grabs her a seat and a drink. Richelle adn I make our way over to her.
"hey Amy you OK?"
"my boyfriend is on a rival team. A team that hurt us so many times" she says between sobs.
"Amy it's OK. We won't lose to Gemeni. You'll show Ty and everyone on Gemeni why we were the bets of the best. You were star on a regional team in every dance and you in the best studio in the country. Gemeni won't even no what hit them" Richelle says.
Amy nods but is still sobbing.
"but... We were together. He made me so happy and it makes me feel like when I lost LaTroy. My hearts broken again"
"did he breakup with you?"
"no but I can't be with a dancer from a diffrent studio. Especially one that hurt you guys so much and is rivaling us at the highest level"
"I know this is extremely stupid of me to say but you can stay together. Just when competition rolls around temporarily take a break until its over"
"that's a great idea Jacquie. I'll think about it. Thanks guys"

She hugs us both. She then continues to sip her drink slowly and Richelle and I return.
"will she be OK"
"yeah I gave her an idea"
"that's great. Look I'm just gonna ask you a question"
"what's the question?"
"Well Jacquie I v known you for a long time. We've dated for a long time and although I am your 'boyfriend' we never made it official. So Jacquie Emerson will you give me  the honours of being my girlfriend?"

I chuckle at this. Its true we've never been officially. I pretend to think and say
" YES! "

He picks me up and twirls me around and I laugh telling him to put me down. When I'm out down I'm right under him. I tkae my hand and place it on his cheek and he takes off my hood and I take off his. I smile and then bring him closer. We kiss for what I hoped would be an eternity to be stopped because people were looking.
There's a few coos from a crowd but we don't mind. After w ego back to slow dancing.

The party's over and we decide to go. All of A troupe say thier goodbyes and we head into our cars. I forgot we have a spider car so we get into that and drive.

We get home and we're exhausted. It was an amazing party but it takes alot out of you.
"OK imma head to bed" Noah says
"same bro. You guys staying down here?"
"I'm also going to bed" I say.
Richelle nods agreeing.
We all head upstairs into our own rooms. I'm putting on Netflix and taking off my costume and put it in a closet with a protective cover. I get in my duvet and just lie there.
There's a knock on my door.
"come in"
"good night girlfriend" Henry says smiling
"want to stay with me?"
"sure" he says front flipping into the covers next to me.
"what are we watching?" I ask
"anything you want"

He puts his arm around mine and I rest my head on his shoulder. Before I fall asleep he kisses my forehead.
"good night Jacquie"

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