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Henry POV

She broke my heart again. For the second time. First it's because I wasn't a good enough dancer. She then goes straight after we broke up to go out with another guy. I get into the best studio in the world and star in 2 dances. We may of lost that year but it wasn't my fault. She comes into my studio and tears my relationship with my best friend who later turned out to be my brother. She embarresed me telling to always "let it go and move on". I help them blossom they're relationship but it wasn't meant to be. She is devestated and I help her all through it. I was her best friend and her boyfriend. Even after everything she did to hurt me, mock me, use me. I forgive her. Then she goes and does this. I don't even know if I can live with myself. On her own account she goes knowing I'll see it and she still posts it. Publicly. Honestly I'm done. When it was good it was good but right now she's at the bottom of my list. Noah is tryna make me OK. I rarely cry. I didn't even cry when she broke up with me in 8th grade. It's just hard. I can't process anything right now and I'm just feeling super down. I take out some ice cream from my freezer and sit back down. I need to pull myself together. Loads if people do this when they're sad and to be honest it helps. But I don't think it's for me. After eating ice cream for 10 minutes I decide to relish my anger in my own way. Dancing. I head to the second floor and turn on the lights to the dance floor. I turn on some music and I'm just dancing. It's the most emotional piece I've ever done. Even when I say Amy and Ty kiss I've never been like this. Everything I've bottled up over the years has just come out on this evening. Once I finish I'm relived. I feel this sense of calm. The negative vibes are gone I'm just laying there when I'm done.
"you good gonna help you get through this. Just Remmeber we don't know the full story" Noah says
"Noah am I really that bad that we've broken up twice. Ive always said this was true love"
"Im sure you guys did have true love I'm sure your me-"
"If it was true love... She wouldn't hurt me. Not even in person. Over a fucking screen Noah. A fucking screen. She broke my heart through an app and didn't even tell me directly. And you think that's true love. She's rotten in her heart for doing this to me. She can go kiss Tyrell all she wants. She can love someone else. If she even had a sense of kindness in her whole fucking body she would've at least texted me or at most roll up here and tell me to my face. " tears are streaming down my eyes while I'm speaking." I lost my parents. I barely had anyone only these Foster parents. They liked me but they didn't feel like family. It wasn't because they took me away from home it's just because they were being fake to me. I only had my friends. You are my best friend and I trusted you. Jacquie came and took you away. I LOST YOU. THEN LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU GUYS BROKE UP I HELPED HER GAIN BACK HER CONFIDENCE. I GOT FEELINGS AGAIN LIKE AN IDIOT AND THEN I WENT AN ASKED HER OUT. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST ANYONE NOW THAT I'VE HAD MY HEART BROKEN TWICE. TELL ME! " I scream at the top of my lungs. Noah just stares at me and makes his way over to me. I cry in my knees and he side hugs me. I eventually black out because I used so much energy. I last see Noah carrying me to my bed.

Noah POV
I've never seen Henry like this. This has really hurt him like before. He's been hiding his emotions for too long and him letting them out is good for him. Once I out him to be I check the time. 10:21. I call Richelle to ask her what's going on.

"Hey Richelle"
"Hey Noah I just woke up. After rehearsal I went straight to sleep. Whats going on?"
"check Jacquies recent post and you'll see"
I see her scrolling and when she sees it her face is shocked.
"now you see what I mean"
"oh my gosh. How can she do that. She's lucky comments are turned off and there's barely any likes. What she did was so low."
"Henry has cried all over me. Danced his heart out. Screamed at me telling me how he's an idiot and then cried to sleep. Jacquie really broke him"
"poor Henry. Did she tell him before?"
"no that's the worst part about it. No message. No call. Didn't turn up to the house. Just straight up posted them kissing and that's how he found out. I saw it straight after he did on my feed too."
"have you tried calling her?"
"even if I did call her I don't want to talk to her. There's no excuse. To be honest Jacquie can do whatever she wants. Her life. The point is that her boyfriend is has had his heart broken by the same girl twice and is now mashed up. He won't trust anyone again. Only me"
"ill try to call her when were finished. Did Henry do anything to cope the post has been up for a while so it's been awhile?"
"He tried ice cream. Didn't work. Went to our in room dance studio and dances his heart out. It was one of the modt emotional solos I've ever seen. Tears everywhere. He then ranted to me about how much he loved her and how she had done him dirty"
"if you ever done that to me I'd go to that house and kill you"
"I'd never do that to you and I love you too much for that"
"but seriously how can Henry even show up to school. He will probably only dance because that's how he let's out emotion."
"I would let him stay home. I wouldn't want to face Jacquie or Tyrell. He could lash out or hurt anyone. All it takes is for some one to make him tick."
"true ill take your advice. Thanks Richie"
"no problem Noah. I'll talk to Jacquie. You get some rest. I love you. Byee.
"bye Richie"

This is going to be an interesting week. Very intresting

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