My Lover

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Henry POV

I wake up at 6. It reminds me of when Noah first moved in. I wake up early and I get people to help me get the place ready. It's gonna be fun having Jacquie around and I'm happy to be her boyfriend again. I feel like she's been through alot and it affected everyone around her. This will make her more secure and safe and that's all I want for her.

I make my way to the shower and after I get into my outfit

I make my way to the shower and after I get into my outfit

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I go downstairs and call a cleaner to come in. She's nearby so it shouldn't take more than 10. I then call my "butler". As I did for Noah I'm getting Jacquie some stuff for her room. Her faviroute colour is purple so I specifically asked for him to look for purple ones if there were any. He will be here in 2 hours and will help me out everything in. Last call I make is the painter and he will do the room for me. Everything's on track.

Fewer reporters are here today which is such a relief. There's only about 3 or so standing doing a quick talk to the camera. My cleaner arrives and she goes upto my door. A few try to question her but she dosent answer. When she rings my bell I immediately go to help her with her things. I rush in and out because the reporters are now asking for me and zooming in trying to catch my face. After I get everything I dart back inside. I have to apologise for her getting dragged into this.
"I'm sorry about that amelia"
"it's alright. I know what goes on these days but my only question is are you OK?"
"I'm good. This will be over soon"
"glad to hear. I'll get started"
"thank you so much"

I walk to the kitchen to make cereal for Noah and I. Almost like he heard me making a bowl for him he rushes down the stairs greeting Ameilia and going to collect his bowl.

"what's going on?"
"Jacquie moving in. I did this when you moved in. I have a painter coming in 30 to fix the room and it'll take him an hour to do. After a person is coming with furniture"
"that's nice. What time will she be here" he says eating his cereal
"12 or maybe a bit later" I say also sitting down.

"we have rehearsals though so when she settles down we go straight back out."
"yeah but that's fine. She loves dance and it will ake her mind off everything"
"that's true. Speaking of which we have to get to that song but I'm blocked"
"ill try to think of something after rehearsals. I've seen your small group so I think I could have some ideas"
"great. You coming to the 2nd floor" he says finishing his bowl
"why not?" I grin.

We make our way to the gym and I start dancing. Noahs doing his core and muscular strength and he's into it. As I'm dancing the beats speaking to me. I'm hitting it on pat and my moves are just coming to me sharper. The whole song is a love song.

Don't stop giving your love
No, don't stop giving your love
Don't stop giving your love
No, don't stop giving your love
Near and far
Give all your heart
No, don't stop giving your love, no
Just follow the signs

I break out into a hip hop contemporary piece and even Noahs staring. It's so fun dancing like this it just reminds me of what dance is all about.
"THAT'S GREAT BRO!" Noah screams

I give him a thumbs up. The doorbell rings and Noah opens the door. It's the painter. I quickly direct him into what room and tell him to use purple.
It's gonna take a while so I keep practising. Only 3 more hours till she comes in.

Time skip 2 hours

Everything's nearly done. The room is painted well and it's all coming together nicely. The stuff just arrived and I'm paying the guy quickly before he takes off. He helped me assemble the stuff and put it into the right spot. We got all the technology set up and it all looks perfect. I make my way downstairs where Noah is on Mario Kart with Kingston, Lola, Davis, Ozzy, Finn and Piper. I'm not getting left out. I grab the remote and press the red button. My second TV comes out and Noah looks suprised.
"when did you get that"
"I have this and one more just in case"

I get onto Mario Kart and join the game. I'm a baby mario type person. Lola picked Yoshi and Davis picked Daisy. Ozzy picked luigi then Finn picked Toad. Piper didn't know what she was actually doing so she picked Mario. Kingston decided to be Donkey Kong and Noah picked Diddy Kong. We started the race and we were talking to each other. I know people are going to rage because of how good I am. I'm not going to lie I am the best at this game no cap at all but Davis is just as good. We are always at the front either 2nd or 1st.

The game ended and out of the 4th rounds the results were:

4th first round (miracle like she just started playing)
11th second round
9 third round
8 fourth round


3rd first round
6th second round
3rd in third round
5th in fourth round

4th in first round
3rd in second round
4th in third round
4th in fourth round

5th first round
5th second
6th third round
6th fourth round

7th first round
4th second round
8th third round
7th fourth round

9th first round
8th second round
11th third round
9th fourth round

He claimed to be going easy and was barely playing because he was on Instagram but we all know he's bad.

2nd first round
1st second round
1st third round
2nd fourth round

1st first round
2nd second round
2nd second round
1st fourth round

Davis and I dominated. The trash talk being thrown was immense. Ultimately it was tie for diets place in terms of placement but in points she won. Points don't count as long as you win the race. The game was biast anyway.

By the time I knew it, it was 5 to 12. Jacquie would be here at any moment. I peeked outside and not many reporters. Diffrent ones but around the same number. After I get Noah and myself a coke from the fridge I text Jacquie

H wya?
J omw nearly there

She's nearly here. Its a new chapter in our lives now. I can't wait

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