Wake Up Brother

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Henry POV ( only pov today)

I'm walking to the dance room with Richelle and Jacquie because we have a free period and we need to choreograph something. Noah went in a bit earlier so we will meet him there.
"I don't think the Gemenis will even think of calling us bad" Jacquie says with a grin
"they really thought they could get away with calling us a ba-"

We all stopped. There was a bang. It sounded like a pole connecting with skin. It was coming from across the hall.
A shriek came and then someone screaming for help. I ran as fast as I could with Richelle and Jacquie being slower than me they were no where near. I took a swift left and there I saw him. I knew it was him when he screamed. He looked at me and I screamed
Not only was he unconscious but whatever hit him had spikes. There were small holes in his t shirt. He laid there and I immediately put him into recovery position while screaming for a teacher. I also screamed for Richelle and  jacquie and the second I did  they turned round the corner to see Noah.

Richelle screamed as she saw Noah laying there. I was still trying to call Noah to get up. Richelle rna up to him and kissed his forehead. She was bugging him tight. I shouted to jacquie to get a teacher and she nodded and ran to the nurse office. Richelle had tears and I stood there almost knowing I could do nothing. A minute passed and I was still trying to get Noah up while Richelle lay next to him corrrsing his hair. Jacquie came with the Nurse and the Nurse had asked what had happend and we all screamed
"we don't know"
"call the police Henry I'm going to help him"
I immediately got up and phoned the police while I watched the nurse help Noah and Richelle backing up giving the nurse some space.

Time skip half an hour

This was the longest half an hour of my life. My eyes hadn't left Noah for a second. I was side hugging Jacquie and watched as Noah was rolled into an ambulance. I wanted to come but they said they needed to go and no one was allowed in. I did ask for a request for his keys and phone saying I was his best friend and I needed to phone his parents as well as Miss Emily. To make me prove it they had me unlock his phone password. They also allowed me the keys and went on thier way to the hospital speeding thier way down the street.

I didn't even know what to think. School was done for that day and all of A troupe was outside watching the ambulance leave. They were in tears. I had to hug Richelle and Jacquie as they couldn't contain thier sadness. Finn tried to calm down Piper but her anxiety was through the roof. Davis and Kingston stood thier because they couldn't believe that someone would hurt Noah. Lola was sitting on the ground also crying and Ozzy was sitting next to her rubbing her back several times indicating that everything would be OK.
This was by far the saddest thing I had experienced. Noah was my bro. We helped each other and we were best friends. I couldn't believe that someone had hurt him in any way. The Gemeni were outside aswell sniggering to themselves giving handshakes all round to one another. I knew what they did. All of A troupe started at them. We knew what they did. It was all our fault. My fault. If I hadn't done a dance battle and won the Gemeni wouldn't of have hurt Noah. He could still be here and healthy. Instead I had to be cocky. It won't happen again.

It was quite dark and cold. Everyone got into thier respective cars and I got Noahs car keys and phone out I look into contacts. I searched around and found the number. I pressed the name and it dialed in. There was an answer.
"Hello Mr E"
"Oh Henry what are you doing with Noahs phone" he said in a fun manner
"Mr E I have some bad news"
The line stood in silence
"Noah is in the hospital. He was attacked and now he's in the hospital getting treated in the emergency room"
"my dear Noah" he sighed
"Look Henry im not the best Father a son could ask for but I can't leave because I have to do something with Noahs mum. You two are brothers and I know whatever happend you can help him. I don't think he'd want to see me anyways because of the fight we had. The point is even if I could  come he wouldn't want me. So I'm asking a favour. I want you too take care of Myles for a while. "
I immediately accepted. I knew Noah would need some help while he recovered so I agreed because he was my best friend
" thank you Henry. I'll check in every week to see how your doing"
The call ended.
Richelle and Jacquie were sitting down and everyone else had gone home. I called Richelle and Jacquie to come so I could drive them to the hospital.

I entered Noahs car and got into the drivers seat. It was wierd being on this side. Richelle and Jacquie both entered the back helping each other cope. I started the ignition and then got my phone out. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in Noahs car and started to drive to the hospital. Richelle and Jacquie were quiet and I couldn't even look at them. I focused on the road. I then threw my phone to Jacquie and ask if she could call Emily.
My phone connected to the car and I heard the dial then she picked up.
"Henry I'm in a meeting with everyone can this wait"
"no" I said in a saddened tone "you might want to put it onto speaker phone"
"were listening"
"we had a dance battle at school today. It was against the Gemenis and we won"
"that's great news" Michelle and West said
"when we came inside we heard someone getting beaten up and it was Noah. He has minor injuries but I helped him while the ambulance came"
There were gasps on the line through the cars speakers
"first off this isn't anyone fault. Secondly where are you and who are you with"
"I'm in the car with Richelle and Jacquie. Where driving to the hospital. His parents can't come so I'm gonna stay with him."
"were coming give us 15 minutes"
The line cut and the music began to play again. We were all sad and gloomy. We weren't far from the hospital but I saw a McDonald's so I got everyone food and picked some up for West, Emily, Michelle and Daniel. I know that this will cheer them up. We pull out of the drive thru and we're 2 mins away from the hospital. Parking was easy.
We got out and went inside and asked for Noah Erlick. We had to wait for a while and see what was going to happen. We sat down in the waiting area and waited. It was going to be hard to wait but I was just praying that Noah would wake up and be alright. As I was thinking all I could think of was how I could've helped Noah when whe went inside. I could've told him to watch out or I could've punched the Gemenis off him before it got bad. My thoughts raced in my mind. A door opened and I saw Emily, Michelle, West and Daniel coming over to us and sitting down. They took care of Richelle and Jacquie who were crying again. I just sat there with my head down.
"are you OK" a voice calls
"it should've been me bro"
West stands in front of me.
"it wasn't your fault and it wasn't anyone's fault. You shouldn't be asking who's fault was it that  someone hurt someone else. You should be asking who hurt that person. You won the battle and I'm sure you won it fairly. You didn't hurt anyone. The Gemeni done this to make us weaker but they won't get away with it"
I nod my head at him. I understand what hes saying and stop feeling bad for myself. I get everyone's food from out the car while we wait. We just sit there holding each other hoping it will all be over soon.

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