A Strike Back

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Henry POV

It's morning. Tuesday. I have school and it's gonna be boring but interesting. A troupe agreed to stay away from Gemeni to prevent conflict. Last thing we need is more pain. Now that they're going to internationals by fluke we need to put them back in thier place. We can't have them coming close to the trophy. Emily and Michelle don't know they're going becuase we don't have the courage to say a rival is going with us to internationals as well as what happend with Jacquie and Noah. They'd worry. We're keeping everything on the down low and keeping a low profile atm.
I get ready for school.

I wear this outfit with new shoes I got

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I wear this outfit with new shoes I got

It's a fire lineup because everything's matching

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It's a fire lineup because everything's matching. Even my car for today

SchoolI get to school and meet up with everybody

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I get to school and meet up with everybody. We have a few classes together but my first class in science with Finn then we all meet up for PE. I'm good a PE because of they way I move but I'm scared for anyone getting hurt. Science took its time and we had an experiment to do and we needed pairs. I paired up with Finn and we got the experiment done. Surprisingly. We didn't pay attention but we done something right because the teacher praised us and showed ours to the class.

It was time for PE and I went to the changing rooms. I went with Finn and met up with Ozzy on the way and eventually Noah at the door. Kingston was basically done when we got in. I got changed into this

It's what I'm comfortable with and teachers allow it so I'm good

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It's what I'm comfortable with and teachers allow it so I'm good. Coach came in when we were finished with an announcement.

"Let's get going but first I'd like to introduce you to Aaron Moon. He's going to participate as usual with us today but he's new. After the principal has asked for me to select one of you to show him around. Noah seeming as your the most responsible you do the honours of showing him around after class and taking care of him. Now let's go meet the girls and pick a sport. "

I walk over with the boys and we go to the sports hall to meet up with the girls. Noah immediately talks with Richelle and soon after my guys were gone talking with thier girls. I walk over to Jacquie and we warm up together. She's competitive so I hope we're on the same team so she dosent kill me.
"OK guys I hope you've finished your warm up. We're playing Soccer today. Let's have two captains... Henry and Tyrell. Rock paper scissors for who goes first."

I walk up with Tyrell. I hate him. He's the Gemeni version of me you could say but he's kinder than the rest but still evil. Once he claimed to be better at Hip Hop than me but after that dance battle he's kept quiet.
We played rock paper scissors and I won best out of 3 with 2.

We don't have to go into detail about the teams but I didnt pick 1 Gemeni on my team. Theres 12 A troupers and there's 6 Gemeni. The other Gemeni are in a diffrent class so they rounded they're teams off with some of the other guys who weren't that great. There's 11 of us and I picked Piper to sit out because I know she dosent like Soccer that much. Soccer was a wierd sport imo. I'm good at it and I know how to play and all the terms but it was more English. I'm preety sure I'm the best here alongside Noah, Kingston and Lola. We had to have a formation of some what so I picked Lola in goal

Ozzy Jacquie Finn and Summer as our defenders.
Kingston Richelle and Aaron as our midfield.
Me Noah and Davis uptop.
Aaron comes from Europe and he said he's good so I trust him. Its a good lineup and I'll put Piper in so coach dosent try to force her to play by shouting.

The Game had ended 5-3 to us. It was a good game. I scored 2 Summer scored a penalty and Kingston had also scored one. Somehow Richelle had gone through thier whole team and missed her shot so that was funny to watch. Everyone was good and it was nice seeing the Gemeni being defeated. It brought thier ego back down to earth.

We done the usual and had lunch but at the last period I was called upon in Math alongside everyone else in A troupe in that class to come with the guidance Councillor. He then went into the other classes and all of A troupe were walking down the the principals office. Everyone except Aaron was here probably because he was knew.

The principles office is big and so when we entered it we all stood around. Suddenly Emily and Michelle came through the doors.
This probably wasn't going to be good. Long story short they were having an argument that lasted for 15 minutes.
"Mr higgens your a reasonable man. If you don't expel them now we will show the video to court and have you fired aswell as them expelled so get them out and leave my dancers in peace."
Emily said in a stern tone. Michelle nodded in agreement glaring down on the principle.

" what video" he said.
"this one" Lola said handing him his phone. The video played and the Principle done the most evil thing I've ever seen. Delete.

"Miss Emily you don't know what they are capable of. They have information on me that could hurt me and my loved ones not only in a mental state but a physical state. I'm sorry but if those kids get expelled or punished my life will be gone"

Emily stood they're speechless. She couldn't believe the one video we had was gone. The principal threw Lola's phone to her and sat in his desk trying not to look through Emily's burning eyes. Michelle was still shocked and I could tell she was gonna scream but instead she smiled. She knew what was going to happen next.

Emily ripped into our principle. Insults using words that even I couldn't say to somebody looking dead in they're eye. The principle just ignored her but Emily persisted and persisted until she got it all out of her system.
"are you done?" he said in a calm tone
"were not through" she squealed before turning to us.
"apologies for that dancer's. That's probably not the language you should be using but I used it at your age so. Rehearsal will be cancelled until we figure out what to do about this Gemeni situation. You are ahead since yesterday so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you have any problems I'm a dial away and don't forget to study hard"

We all nod while she speaks but really I can tell no ones really listening.

"rest up dancers. Have fun but not too much. And dont do anything dumb today we really don't need any more problems. Now go and enjoy the rest of your day" Michelle says with a smile.
We all head out just looking at each other and then laughing. What Emily had screamed at our teacher were some of the funniest and true things we've heard. It was amazing. Schools basically done so we get stuff from our lockers and we say our goodbyes and head home.

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