I Want You Bad As Ever

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Noah POV

I get home and I immidestly get ready for my date with Richelle. Henry picks out my suit and does my hair for me.

It looks really good on me. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good date. Richelle then texts me

R what should I wear
N fancy dress
R OK see you in an hour

Time skip 30 minutes

Im looking good. My hairs nice and so is my suit. I'm thankful for Henry getting me ready. Even when he's heartbroken he's still my best friend. He goes to watch TV and I go to check everything is ready. I double check the reservation then I check if all my work is done. While I'm checking my document Henry calls me downstairs. The TV is paused.

"Noah you might wanna see this"

He plays the TV.

"And in other news Mr Erlick as well know has passed away. One of the finest buissness men in the world at one point. His funeral is this Sunday but its not that that's caused controversy. It's the fact he had a long lost son. Hiding in plain sight, Henry Peck who is now Henry Erlick was Mr Erlicks son due to the fact Mr Peck had a low count of sperm causing him to not be able to have a baby. Mr Erlick had a baby with Mrs Peck and that's how Henry was born. He's now been found out to be the son as it was his father's last wish. Along with that story another story has emerged about Henry Erlick. He has broken up with his girlfriend. He is truly a star crossed lover with the fact he's broken up with Jacquie Emerson who just happend to be his girlfriend when he was 12 aswell. They reunited but now they have broken up in the cruelest way. Jacquie had kissed someone else and posted it over Instagram. It now has over 30 million likes as they are no comments. With Jacquie and Henry ending thier relationship, Henry is now one of the most eligible bachelor's in the world ranking 14th. His brother Noah Erlick is in a relationship with Briar Nolet daughter of Abbey Nolet of Nolet and Co. If Noah was single and ready to mingle he would rank 10th. More to come this has been nikita resh with the news."

Henry just slouched back in the chair.
" everyone knows now"
"it's OK bro don't worry about it. I'll order some pizza for you so you can drown your sorrow with some pizza OK?"
He just nods.
"I got to go pick Richelle up. I'll call the pizza place and get your faviroute. Don't listen to the media. Now that they know we're brothers they'll bug you out. They used to bug me out until I got older. You get used to it."

"thanks. If you and Richelle end up sleeping together keep it down"

I laugh as he says that.
"no promises. I'll see you at like 11?"
"yep. Have a good night bro"

I wave and go to the garage. A black car goes perfect for my suit

 A black car goes perfect for my suit

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I drive out and onto the road. I connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker. I dial the pizza place.
"Hello this is John's pizza place  may I take your order"
"hey can you get me a large pepperoni pizza with a large Fanta and a Ben and Jerry's cookie dough"
"yep is that all?"
"can you double the pizza actually and double the ice cream. He's gonna have a long night"
"for sure. Is that your whole order?"
"that's 28 pounds collect or deliver?"
"deliver and out it on Noah Erlicks tab"
"of course sir. Your transaction went through. We have your address already shall we deliver there?"
"yes please"
"your order is being made. Thank you for ordering today sir"
"no problem. Thank you. Goodbye"

I end the call. Before ei know it I'm at Richelle driveway. I pull up and ring her doorbell. She opens the door and she looks great. Her dress suits her perfectly and with every step she takes it takes me back to our first date. I was so nervous.
"uhh Noah?"
"hey Richie. You look amazing I zoned out staring at you"

She giggles at this and we go to my car. I open my door for her and she sits down. Then we get in and drive away.

Conversations with Richelle are so fluid. I don't have to try to talk to her like some couples do. We can talk for hours over nothing. We arrive at the restaurant. It's an Italian restaurant and I know she will like it. We walk in.

"hello sir and madam. Do you have a reservation?"
"yes I made one under Noah Erlick"
"yes right on time. If you'd follow me to your seat."

We get a window seat because for some wierd reason Richelle really likes window seats. We get menus and just laugh with each other. We've both been stressed so it's nice to blow off some steam with her.

" hello I'm Rachel and ill be your server for this evening. Would you like some starters or would you like to go straight in for a main?"
"pleas may we have have the breadsticks and 2 arugula salads please"
"of course great choice and for drinks?"
"can I have a sprite please?" Richelle asks
"and ill have a Fanta" I add on
"perfect those will be right out to you"

We start to talk about what's been going on at the studio.

"your solos amazing. It's definetly getting us to the next round"
"thanks Noah. Your was impeccable too. Even Jacquie was really good."
"speaking of which after the breakup Henry danced really good for some reason."
"yeah. His tumbling was so clean and the timing was on beat. Even his turns were super clean. When I had a crush on you way back and you chose Abi my dancing went flat. How did he get better?"
"I don't know but it's good in a way. It's the best solo ever seen in studio A apparently"
"then clearly no one has been watching me dance. I am the best dancer in the studio"
"I'm not so sure. As long as I'm here youll always be second"
"awww Noah. If you think I'll be second at anything you must be delusional"
"I'd battle you but I know that I'd win so no point"
"please I'd have you panting for air once I'm done"
"in what way"
"you can find out when you admit I'm the best"
"Richelle is the best"
"good boy"

We laugh because we're so connected. Our banter is good and we're so talkitive. She's my best friend and I can tell her anything.

"OK guys here's your drinks and your starters. If you wouldn't mind me asking have you made a decision on your main course?"
Rachel asks

"I'll have the Spaggheti and meatballs" Richelle says

"a classic. The ones here are amazing and made from scratch. And you sir?"

"ill have the lasagna"

"really great choice. We have the best lasagna in the city. We will bring those to you as soon as possible"

Richelke and I finish our starters and  the main course arrives. we're chattering away about school and some random stuff then she brings up the news.

"did you see the news. I got an alert on my phone"
"yeah I did. Henry's not happy. About it"
"I'm not suprised. They went into his private life and know they know your his brother and about the Jacquie situation"
"yeah it only gets worse until they leave you alone. They probably won't."
"at least you guys get ticks on social media"
"oh I haven't even checked"

I quickly check Henry's profile and then mine. We both have the blue tick which finally means we're somewhat famous.

"that's great I guess."
"what else is wrong with Henry?"
"he's the 14th most eligible bachelor in the world"
"woah I did not know that. He must be really popular after that report"
"yep. I sent him 2 pizzas and two ice creams and a drink because that's the only thing to cheer him up"
"he loves pizza alot"
"yep. I don't know why he's sad it's a good thing. They even talked about me"
"oh what they say"
"if I were to be single I'd be 10th. But then they said I'm with you so it's fine"
"good. Your mine and only mine"
"I know and it will stay like that I promise"

After finishing our meal we decide to get dressert. We both get and ice cream with a brownie. It was the best dessert I've ever had so I really enjoyed it.

We then wanted to go and after having a heated whispering debate we split the bill half and half. Even though I asked her out. We then left and I took her home.

"I had a great night Richie"
"me too it was so much fun."
"since you had fun would you like to go on another soon"
"ill think about it" she says winking at me. I smile as I walk her to her door
"bye ri-"
She stares at my eyes and nothing else matters. We passionately kiss goodbye until we litteraly have to breath.
"bye Noah"
"bye Richie"

This was a successful night. I'm rally happy it turned out this way. It just reminds me of how much I love her. She never fails to amaze me.

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