What Do You Think I Am

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Richelle POV

Everything is great. Noah, Henry, Jacquie and I went to this Italian restaurant that just opened up. Its really good and its not too busy. We're celebrating our A star in English and the end of Carter's reign. We don't know if we got the best in our grade but everyone in A troupe is separated anyways so we can find out later. We had an early finish so we're here then we're going to the studio. Our food arrives and we're all about to eat when Noah gets a phone call.
It's not unusual obviously but he seemed wierdered out when it was a private number.

Unknown pov

"its dialing ma'am" he blurts out

This is just perfect. I have to do the hard work that could change my relationship forever.

The line starts

"Noah how are you"
"I'm fine thank you mum. And you"
"I am well. I'm in your area so I want you to meet up with me. And could you bring that friend of yours. Henry Peck."
"OK... Where and when please"
"Jakes cafe and asap. Im here now and will be here for another 2 hours. After we talk I'll go but you have 2 hours. Goodbye dear"
"Bye mother..."

Noah POV

I step back inside the restaurant and sit in my seat.
"I got a really wierd phone call from my mum"
"Oh what she say" Richelle intriguily asked
"She wants to see me and you" I say pointing to Henry.
Henry dosent even notice but when sees my finger he's suprised.
"That's wierd. Why me?"
"Don't know. I'll text Emily and Michelle and let them know we will be late. We have to be there within the next 2 hours so as much as I don't want to rush this we must"

We eat our food. Talking. Laughing. This is amazing and I enjoy hanging out like this

I go to text Emily that we will be late.

N hey Emily. Henry and I have to go meet my mother for some reason so we will be late but we're close to the studio so it shouldn't be over 20 minutes.

E why would your mother want both of you?

N I honestly don't know. I'm probably as suprised as you are.

E your excused but come back soon and prepared.

N thank you.

I put my phone in my pocket and join in the conversation.

Hour 30 passes

It's time. I give Richelle my car keys as I picked her up today. She can drive and has a car but we enjoy spending time together. We're gonna take Henry's because he claims its faster. I know it is but I'm not gonna admit that. Once we do that I pay for us all then Henry and I get into his car. We have 30 minutes before my mum leaves. The cafe is a ten minute ride anyways so we'll make it. I wave bye to Richelle and Jacquie through the window and Henry does the same. Then he ignites the ignition. We're off.

Henry POV


I park outside the cafe and Noah and I walk in. I'm nervous because I don't know why I need to be here so it must have something to do with me. We look around and see Noahs mum sitting with a briefcase on the ground on a table. Noah and I sit around the table.

"Afternoon Mrs Erlick" I say before sitting. She nods and greets me back. "And to you too"

"Hey mum" Noah says with no expression on his face. His mum just nods indicating she acknowledged his greeting.
Noah and his parents aren't that distant. I know he said his dad is closer to him than his mum so I imagine they're not that okay. It might be awkward.
"I'm going to cut to the chase boys. As much as it hurts you, you must deal with it. What's happend has happend and can't be undone"

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