All Black

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Noah POV

Today's the day of the funeral. Richelle and I are going together so w ehave to get ready. It starts at 9 am and it's 7.
"Richie we need to wake up"
"coming" she said with her face buried in a pillow. After what happend she seen crying all night. I have to comfort her every few hours. She thinks it's her fault and ill break up with her. It's not the fact that I'll break up with her it's the fact that she thinks she cheated. Tyrell forced her onto him and wouldn't let go. I may of beaten him up but I don't feel great about it and I should've hit harder. She broke Richie's confidence and she's not as sassy as she used to be. I made sure to have spare clothes and my suit in a bag before coming to sleep at Richelle's. I have all my essential stuff like my charger comb etc. I shower and get changed in the main bathroom.

 When I got out Richie had just finished her makeup

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When I got out Richie had just finished her makeup. Her dress was stunning.

She also had extra clothes so she can get changed at mine when we go to school after

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She also had extra clothes so she can get changed at mine when we go to school after. We grabbed our bags and headed out.
We get into richelle car and make our way to the church

We get into richelle car and make our way to the church

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It's a 20 minute drive. I text Henry.

N were on our way
H OK. I invited Jacquie to come with me
N that's good. How long till you guys be there.
H we will be there in 15 so we will meet up at front.
N kl sys

The church

We arrive at the church and Henry is waiting with Jacquie. I don't know how but we're all matching. That's good in this situation anyway. There's a few photographers and a few news cams recording the event.
We all walk inside and take our seats at the front. Mother is also as the front next to us.

A/N I am going to be honest. I don't have a clue how a funeral goes. I can recall going to a funeral but I was young so I don't Remmeber. Anyways I'm just gonna assume they have a few words they say last goodbyes etc etc and then Bury him. A few speeches inbetween aswell as some stories told. If I make any mistakes in the funeral my bad but this is my counter argument if I get anything wrong.

The funeral started and we had a few words. Some of dad's work friends had said a few funny stories about him and what he was like. I'm even learning a thing or two about him. Mother wasn't crying historically she held strong. I was sitting next to her with Richelle on my other side. I comforted her but any time a story finsiebd she she'd a tear. It really hurt seeing her like this. Eventually i was called up. I promise I'm not going to cry. Everyone clapped as I went to the podium. I don't do to many speeches like this so it's a bit new to me.

"Dad always made jokes about death. He was a funny man and he was understanding. He wasn't around much obviously with his buissness throwing him across the world. I got upset sometimes that he had to go but I understand why. He does it for me. From the times we did spend together he was kind and caring. Always gentle and always wanted what was best for me. He was the one that helped me at my lows. He introduced me into Richelle. He introduced me to dance. He introduced me to my life as I know it. He may be gone but he morphes my live to this day and he will continue to do so forever. My only regret is that I never said thank you. If I had said that I would've seen him smile one last time. So thanks dad. For everything"
I step down from the podium. I didn't cry. OK 4 tears flew down my cheek but that's OK. I'm being strong for him. Mothers speech was long. He had known him for a long time. It consisted of anecdotes and why she loved him. I've never seen her so compassionate. When she finished everyone clapped she cried and I hugged her while she went to her seat.

Now it was Henry's turn. He was the last person of the day.
"so. I don't know how to start this to be honest. I'm Henry and Im new to the family. I knew him and  He was a funny person. He was a compassionate person. He was spectacular. Whenever I went round to Noahs and he was there we'd laugh for long. We had a connection. My parents died when I was 13. From then on I had Foster parents. I liked them but obviously they weren't blood. They did connect with me as much but they did they're best. That man over there felt like blood. He was my father and I didn't even know it. The last time I talked to him he said to take care of Noah. Even though Noah is older I'm going to do what he asked. Even if I didn't live with him or he didn't raise me he was my father. Wether he created me or not. This is my last goodbye to him. I just hope to see him again. Thank you "

Henry stepped off the podium and went back to his seat. He quickly wiped his tear and the service continued.

2 hours later

The final bit began. The burial. The coffin was brought. Everyone got to touch it before he was sent away. I touched the coffin where underneath his hand would be. A tear slid onto the coffin and then it was time for us to let go. He was lowered and then we were allowed to fill his grave for him. After everyone helping it didn't take over 10 minutes. I was told to take the last bit to cover it all. I took the last of the dirt and patted it. It looked perfect. He was resting. He didn't get to do that often so it was nice to see. After we were free to go. I got alot of
"sorry for you loss"
"he was a good man"

All these condolences made it feel. Real. Eventually after I told my mother we were going. School and A troupe would take our mind soff what would happen.
"yes dear"
"were all leaving now. We're going to school to take our minds off it. Are you OK?"
"Noah I'm fine. He got everything he wanted and more. I'm happy he lived a life but I'm sure he had one regret. Not seeing you two grow up. You may go. I have to leave right now to go back to Europe. The business won't run itself."
"bye mum"
"bye son"

Henry came over to say his goodbye to

"Bye mum"
"Goodbye Henry dear. You have my number. Whenever your down or need help use it"
"will do"

We all hugged and then went back to the cars. We went back to the house which was only 10 minutes away. We then got ready for school.
"Yo bro should I show Emily and Michelle the song today?"
"yeah go for it" I said. "It's the best song for our small group"
"I will. Thanks No"
"I have now given everyone nicknames such as Jacquie is now Jacs. Richelle is now chelle. You are No. Kingston is king. Finn is Fin but with one n. Lola is lo. Piper is pip. List goes on"
"Finn with one N?"
"it was hard finding him one"
"fair enough"

Henry then left my room and I got my dance and school bag. We all met up downstairs and set off for school

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