You Know I

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Henry POV

We arrive back home and there's barely any reporters. They take pictures of us coming back and shout at us but it's becoming normal now. We get inside the garage and go inside with our bags. We drop them in the bag area and go to change into something more comfortable.

I get changed and I want to check what Jacquie wants to do. I knock on her door. My butler came through cause when I came in she smiled looking at her room
"hey Jacquie"
"hey Henry what's up"
"what do you feel like eating?"
"Henry you know me better than almost anyone. You know what I want"
"Chinese special chownein with no pork. Got it"
"thanks. You know me so well" she paused "Have I thanked you for all this?"
"you don't need to. You know I'd do anything for you"
"well then let me be the one to love you"

Her eyes look into mine a she moves closer to me. My hearts racing and I'm tense. She holds my hands and kisses me. Every time we kiss our connection and chemistry only increases. It dosent have a limit. Even if the sky was falling I wouldn't care. This is how id like to go out. With Jacquie.

"I love you" she says pulling away.
"I love you too"

I leave the room and my hearts still racing for her. She's amazing and I wouldn't trade her for anything.
I call the Chinese place and they're busy right now. At least an hour and a half till they get here so I need to keep myself occupied. I still need to get working on the small group music. From what I've seen I've got some ideas. I go to my room and enter my computer.

Im trying to create a beat but all I'm thinking about is Jacquie. Anytime I make something it relates to Jacquie. I put my head down and try to think but nothings working. It would just make sense for me to embrace this. I make a beat and its sounding good. A few vocals and it will sound good. I start to think of lyrics and everything's coming so perfectly.

In a matter of an hour I have created a song. It's about Jacquie. It's about how she was shy around me when we were younger and I didn't know why. Davis was cool with me but Jacquie was a it reserved. I Remmeber when I asked her why she was like this and I told her it's OK. She started to loosen up and that blossomed our friendship and relationship. Now she's going through that all over again. She has a hard exterior but the interior is still shaken about what happend. I can see past her walls and I know she wants to open up but she's afraid. To get hurt again. As I'm looking at my lyrics they look perfect. In such a small amount of time I made amazing music.

There's nothing I won't do
My heart belongs to you

It all sounds good. Now for a the ending. The small group has a little bit of reversing so I need to repeat something.

Don't be so
Don't be so
Don't be so insecure


I write down on a fresh piece of paper all the lyrics and save the beat. I'll show it to Noah so he can judge it.

Once I finish I go on Instagram its boring to be honest. I'm being tagged in so many posts. News articles talking about me and people saying don't believe her etc. The Internet a dark world but I don't really care what they think. All my socials are blowing. Twitter is discussing the information. Snapchat has the news explaining everything in detail. And then we have tik TOK which I have to see Lola and Ozzy attempt to do a dumb dance. I may not care what's on my socials but it kept me distracted so much so I hear a knock on my door.
I go downstairs and open the door. When I say it's probably the most reporters we've seen. At least 40 at most 80. Loads of cameras and loads of vans. I look down to see the delivery woman standing there.
"your Henry Erlick!"
"yep. Thanks I told yerin it's on my tab he knows me"
"yes of course he told me"
"here you go" I slide her a 20
"thank you so much"
"no problem. Enjoy your night" I say shutting the door.

"Yo guys foods here!" I shout. They both come down the stairs.
We go on Netflix and we pick some show Sloane, Thalia and Riley featured on. To be honest we weren't really watching we were just talking.
"so you guys down for tommorow" Noah asks
"yeah it'll be fun having a day off" Jacquie answers
"where we going though?"
I ask
"we can't exactly go outside" Noah says
"we could have a pool party?"
I say
"yeah. We can invite A troupe" Jacquie adds on

"settled ill get Jay on it"
"who's Jay?"
"kinda like my butler. He's the one that helped me set up the stuff in your room"
"oh that's cool. What is he going to bring"
"food, drinks, plates, all that stuff"
"it's going to be so much fun"
"pizza, wings, video games you know the vibes"
"Ill text everyone" Noah says.

We continue eating our food and talking.
"OK I told everyone and they're all coming they asked what time"

"12" Jacquie and I say at the same time. 3 is perfect because it's not early or late. We get loads of sun.

"K ill Foward it" Noah says tapping on his phone.

We finish our food and we clear up. After i go to my room and get shower again because it helps me think sometimes. It's good to have time to collect yourself before doing anything else. That's one of the reasons I couldn't get over Jacquie a few years back. I never allowed myself to heal or show emotions I just eat gummy worms and hopes it would fill my heart. Instead I helped other people and although they all got better things in life I never asked for any advice. Now Ive had time to clear my head everything is so straightforward. I know where I stand and I know my goals I  have to achieve and that's what helping me become a better human being.

I finished thinking and I get out of the shower and put on diffrent clothes. I need to check on Jacquie. I walk across the hall and knock.
"come in"
I walk inside and stand.
"You good?"
"yeah I'm fine. Its diffrent but I'll get used to it. What about you?"
"I'm fine. Are you sure your OK?"
"yeah I'm okay. I'm just about to sleep"
"OK. Goodnight"
"night hen"

I walk out the room closing the door. I also need to sleep. Last thing to do is check on Noah. I knock on his door.

I wlak inside. He's on facetime with Richelle.
"You alright?"
"yeah I'm OK."
"great. Imma go sleep so goodnight. Night richelle"
"night Henry"
"night bro"

I walk out the door and close it. Once I get to my room I sleep when my face touches the pillow.

3:12 am. Someone's silently knocking on my door. I hear a few sniffles and I don't know what's going on.
"it's open?" I sya unsure of what's the deal.
Jacquie walks in.
"can I sleep here with you?"
"of course. What's wrong?"
"I had a bad dream"
I turn on the lights.
"wanna talk about it?"

She lies down next to me but still relatively up.

"Tyrell had kidnapped me and he had raped me again and you tried to save me- a and then he shot you and Noah" she says with tears dripping down her cheeks.
That's an intense dream. If I ever go out it won't be to Tyrell and I'd never let her touch Jacquie again.

"it's OK it was just a dream. I'll never let him touch you"
"you can't promise that"
"i can and I will. You know I'd do anything for you"
She chuckles a bit and then she says those words again
"you know I could be the one to loev you. If only you let me"

Our faces inches away from each other. I kiss her. She's my true love and I only want her.
We pull away and she wraps her arms around me. I out my head on hers. It all feels perfect. She's perfect. We're perfect.

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