The Calm

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Jacquie POV

I woke up and all the girls were getting ready for the day.
"Jacquie wake up were going to breakfast" Lola says. I nod and start to get ready for the day.

We were the A troupe uniform and head downstairs where there's a morning buffet. West and Emily are there and so is Michelle and Daniel.
"morning ladies. How did you sleep?" Michelle asks
"meh" were most of our answers. London is kind of loud so it took time for me to settle in. We sit down but Emily says we have to wait till the boys get here. Right on cue they lal came rushing down barely dressed becu se they're still doing up zips and putting shoes on.
"nice of you to join us. What took you so long?" Daniel asks
"we may or may not had set an alarm clock for 9pm instead do of 9am" Henry says trying to make a joke of it. West laughs and Daniel chuckles but Emily just stands there. Michelle also finds it funny because there's a smile in the corner of her lips but she tries not to show it.
"just sit down and eat" Emily says while looking at her phone. I'm not gonna eat much so I get toast and jam with tea. As we're eating Michelle tells us the plan for today.
"OK guys we registered online as its. Anew feature for internationals which means we have the day off. You can go out of the hotel but only with a chaperon. There's a game roo-"
"THEY HAVE A GAME ROOM HERE!" The boys erupted
"Michelle can we be excused" Ozzy asks in an innocent voice
"one second. They have a game room or you can go to your rooms and chill. If you need us text or shout but make sure we know where you are at all times"
Everyone nods and then Aaron asks
"May we please go to the game room now"
"yes you may but make no mistake I want no distractions. Your free to go" Emily says changing her tone of voice.
"so shopping?" Davis asks
We all agree
"Miss Emily can we go shopping?" Lola asks
"of course Mich-"
Michelle and Daniel were gone. Michelle probably to go call John or something and Daniel because he went with the boys.
"I guess West and I could take o
You to the mall"
Everyone agrees.

Emily orders a black cab to take us to the mall. We get there and its huge and modern and it smells really nice. The London shops are new to me and so are the people.
"the people here are really odd" Emily says
"they're alright when you know them. This was were I became the best hip hop dancer in the world" West brags
"are you sure Ozzy, Finn or Henry will take that title soon?" Amy asks
"please James, Eldon and I rocked through it. I created the best move in hip hop history no one will top that" West chuckles.

We walk into a shop called primary and everything is so beautiful. I buy 3 new dresses and 4 outfits that don't have dresses. After we leave we go to the next one. Emily made West carry most of the bags anyways so were gonna shop till we drop.

Henry POV

Were in the games room and they have everything there. There's other people from the hotel here and I see a dance game with floor pads and everything. I tell Ozzy about it and we start to play. It's all hip hop which is my forte. I beat Ozzy and then Noah faces me and he wins. Daniels just standing and I honestly don't know if he likes video games.
"Yo Daniel?" Noah asks
"yes Noah?"
"have you played just dance before?"
"no what's this"
"just dance when you see the arrows. The floor pad has arrows so when you see them you hit it"
"OK let's see how I do"

Noah faces dnaiel and Daniel wins. Surprising considering Daniel dosent do hip hop. Then finn comes and loses. Aaron. Ozzy again. Kingston. Now it's just me. Daniel looks super strong. We play and I'm the closest to him but I lose.
"wow I'm really good at this. Even you hip hop dancers couldn't beat me"
"we can eat you at any other game"
"let's duet"

I go to face Daniel is air hockey. 7-2. I win. Daniel asks for a rematch and we play again. He beats me 8-3.
"hey you guys are good at this game can I watch?" this man and his son ask. We nod and continue playing

Time skip. Daniel and Henry have faced off and the draw won't stop. They can't break the deadlock. They've attracted a crowd in the hotel and even the staff are liking at them.

OK so it seems like this isn't going to break. Last point I have to win. Kingston massages my arms while Ozzy hypes Daniel up. Noah is keeping score and Finn is keeping the crowd in check. Literal pounds are betted on us.
"what's going on here" a voice asks
It's michelle
"Henry and I are the best airhockey players ever and we can't break the deadlock" Daniel answers while Ozzy makes sure his legs are OK.
"oh. I'm preety good at airhockey."
I mean Michelle's good at everything it wouldn't suprise me.
"Let's have a quick game. Best of 3" I answer.

1 point to me
1 to Michelle
2 to Michelle
3 to Michelle

The crowd congratulates her and I give her my spot to face Daniel.

Daniel lost finally. Michelle beat him without losing a point. Daniel put the thing down and by the time we knew it the time was 7 o'clock. We're all really hungry so we go to lunch

Jacquie POV

We shopped at almost every shop possible. I basically have a new wardrobe. Even Emily got alot of stuff. We're carrying a few bags but West is carrying the most.
"I have magic feet not magic hands" West says with bags in his face. We all laugh and walk to a cab stop.
"it's 7 girls so let's go have dinner and then chill. Tommorow is solos so Richelle we need you in peak condition"
Richelle nods and then the cab comes. We get in and go back to the hotel.

When we get back to our floor we dump the bags everywhere and Noah and Kingston come out.
"that's alot of bags" Kingston says
"yep" Lola says popping the p
"well you guys going to dinner?" Noah asks
"we will be right down. Get the boys." Emily says
We take our bags to the room and west collapses onto my bed.
"THANK YOU WEST" we all scream
He give sus a thumbs up and jumps off my bed.

We go downstairs and eat dinner with the troupe. It was nothing special but it was enjoyable.

Im sitting on my bed on my phone and its late. Its 11:58. I can't wait to do this with my friends and my family. When it comes down to it I'll know we deliver because.
*clock turns 12*
The competition starts now

A/N yes it's a filler chapter because internationals start now

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