Ozzy Promposal. Yes Part 2

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Ozzy POV

Im playing Leigon of lasers online with Finn and I get a message from Michelle. I tell finn to pause it and I check the message. Its an attachment and in it is the video. Finally!
I watch it and it starts off with Pipers older brother James scribing on paper doing a trick and passing it on. It goes to Gisele who's one of the best acro dancers in the world right now and she does a trick. It goes to West the best hip hop dancer in the world. Eldon the best in the world. Riley former studio head and most versatile dancer in the world. There's so many famous people doing it. Stephanie who has her own show is even doing it. Max, Thalia, Miss Amanda. Even Emily and Michelle do it. It's perfect. Now all it needs is the final slot. I tell finn I'm coming off and he understands. I grab a price of paper and write the big question down
Lola you make me the happiest girl alive. Would you like to go to prom with me Ozzy as your date
Perfect. I make the tik Ttok by grabbing the paper and showing it to the camera. After I post it. I then walk to Lola's since she dosent live far. I knock on the door and she opens it.
"hey Ozzy what's up"
"I want to show you something"
"oh OK. Come in"

We walk inside and sit down.
"so what did you want to show me"
"it's here"
I go onto tik tok and pick my latest video. I show it to her. As the video goes on her smile grows. Then she sees me asking her to prom and she's so happy. She flings her arms around me and hugs me.
"of course il go to prom with you. I thought you wouldn't ask me"
"I wouldn't go with anyone else. Your my person and your the only person I'll go anywhere with"
She looks down and I can tell she's shy. I'm even shy but what I'm about to do feels right. I tilt her head up and kiss her. Whenever we do that it seems like lightning bolts bolt out of us. There's an energy you can't recreate with her. It's only with her.

*mature content. Also I won't be warning you next time*

As we kiss we pull apart and we sit there just staring at each other.
"Ozzy I love you so much"
"I love you too"
"wanna play a game?"
"what is it"
"uh OK"

She runs away and I follow her through the corridors. It's wierd because no one plays tag in thier home like that but I won't judge if she finds it fun. She laughs and it just makes me smile. I find her in what looks to be her bedroom. She's not in there. As I try to back away to go find her the door locks and I see her behind me. She kisses me and pushed me so she's on top of me while I'm below her on the bed. She takes away my top and I know where this is going. We get undressed and continue to make out before starting. I quickly put on the condom before sliding in. This is only my second time but from the moans she made it seemed like I did a great job. Lola took it off the condom when she saw I was nearly done. She then shook it and it blew up in her face. It was a nice feeling and she laughed as it hit her. I saw her take her finger and scoop it up and eat it. She's a freak but I like that. She's my freak.
She then drags me and we cuddle for a while until we both get in the shower together. With Lola there's no drama or constant expressing your love. With her you know what you get and she knows where you stand and where I stand with her I'd never get bored of standing.

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