Reverse Part 2

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Noah POV

Henry and I are in the garage looking at our new cars and they look amazing. My new 2 cars is better than my former one. They're really high tech.

 They're really high tech

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I really liked them

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I really liked them. They were cleared out, cleaned and sourced up so it's in peak condition. Henry's new car is way better than his former one in my opnion. And that's a hard car to come by considering his car is amazing

After the cars were parked we decided to go back to the living room and play videogames

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After the cars were parked we decided to go back to the living room and play videogames. We still had quite a while before rehearsal so we texted our girls to come round so we could have some fun. They said they were quickly dropping something off for Summer and they'd be here in a few minutes.

Just like that they were here. We all sat down and played video games while we were talking.

"So your living here now?" Richelle asked
"Yeah. It's gonna be fun loving with someone"
"that must be cool. And you got 2 new cars?"
"Yeah but it's not really about the stuff. I'm happy that I know the truth and I get to keep some stuff of his"
"your father was really kind"
"he never got to show it much but he really is kind. Never got to thank him"
"when's the funeral"
"my mum is organising it so I don't know this happend less than a week ago so it must be in 2 weeks"
"are you going?"
"yeah I will. He wasn't the best father but I should at least say goodbye"
"should I come with?"
"if you wouldn't mind"
"no problem. I also want to say goodbye"

Henry POV
Richelle is talking to Noah and I'm now talking to Jacquie about everything.
"how are you handling everything"
"most people would be mad but I just feel relived. I know the truth and that's all that matters"
"now you have a brother than turned out to be your best friend and is now living with you. That was sudden"
" it was dad's last wish so I might aswell fufil it to the fullest"
"that's nice. What about all the stuff?"
"what about it?"
"well you have a car. You have a boat aswell now. He left you really nice stuff. On a scale on one to ten how sad are you that he's gone"
"you don't show it"
"i just found out he was my father. I've been around for time. He's always been a father figure and I could honestly say he filled the father role I didn't have sometimes. He was kind and really cool. It's sad to see him gone but I feel that will all the good things he's done he will be ok"
"I never thought of it like that. That's a really positive side"
"You know positives my thing right"
"of course" she giggles

We share a kiss and pull away. I'm really happy to have Jacquie here. I've made my decision. I'll ask Noah what he thinks about this idea. This is his house too now so I need to ask but I'm sure he will go with living with Richelle for a while.

Noah POV

It's an hour till rehearsals start so we go into my new car

It's an hour till rehearsals start so we go into my new car

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While Jacquie goes with richelle in Richelle's car. We're blasting music and it's honestly a vibe to have my bro chilling with me. We get to the studio before them and park. Richelle's car comes straight after and we all go in together. All of A troupe were there and I asked Emily if she could make the announcement of Henry and I. She got the troupes attention and everyone started at us. "Guys Noah and Henry have an announcement." she called out to everyone. "Henry and I are brothers" I say quickly in one breath. Everyone looks confused so Henry quickly tells them a shortened version of the story. Every seems really happy and supportive. I knew the troupe would understand what was happening but it's nice to be sure. We all share group hug and break away after Michelle turns up with our choreographers.
It was a regular rehearsal today. We got into some of the groups we were in for internationals and worked on the routines. After Henry and I were beat so we decided to go home. We kissed our girlfriends bye and made our way home. I can't wait to just sleep in my new room.

When we get home we order Thai food. I quickly get changed into comfortable clothes and so does Henry. The Thai food arrives and then we just chill out. We're on our phones with Netflix in the background. It's nice to just be here. It's something I could definetly get used too. After I finish my food I say I'm heading to bed. Once I shower and out my pyjamas on I sit on my computer and create a beat. It's what I like to do when I'm bored. I make music. The beats really good and I think I might make a song out of it but I'll wait until internationals. I go to my bed and stare at the roof for 20 minutes. Eventually I black out and fall asleep.

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