Chapter 10: A Friendly Visit

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I stroll through the streets until I reach Sandy's home. When I get in his room, Sandy is counting the bills collected from the garage sale.

He lifts his head and greets me.

"We've got 10 grands from the sale," he announces.

"It's way too low for a hangar budget, dude."

"I told you before it's only to cover some overhead expenses."

"Well, man. Then, you gotta speed up your loan process so that we'll land in our dream jobs."

"Stop daydreaming, Ben. We need a good paying job to score a good credit for getting a loan."

Holy shit! That ain't sound good. If I have to be paid handsomely, I have to get an A+. OMG!

"What's up?" Sandy's face distorts as if he's looking at a mule.

"Nothing, man. Looks like you are doing a great job"

Oh no! Again job. Drives me crazy as hell.

"I gotta go, Sandy." I slip out of his house.

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