Chapter 49: Ben's Workout Spree

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The next few days, I do nothing out of ordinary. In the morning, I did push-ups and burpees, not to mention that I went for a jog. Doing workouts make me feel revitalized and confident.

After breakfast, I sit down on the couch. I realize that my tummy is bulgy. I can pose as Santa Claus for the upcoming Christmas celebration in the city. Then, I imagine Katie dragging another boy for outings.

The next moment, I'm hula hooping, watching the show 'Tiny Planets' on TV. The two furry animated ETs, Bing and Bong, explore many tiny planets to troubleshoot problems and return to their home planet on a flying white sofa.

The way the cuddly Bong doing cool dance moves to the tunes of Flockers in the tiny planet of Sound is kinda cute.

My dad glances at me and facepalm.

"Don't you dare give me that look," I warn my dad.
"Son, what are you doing?"

"Don't you see? I'm entertaining myself," I glare at him.

"Mmm... Teenagers today are quite imperceivable," he shakes his hand.

"You don't need to understand anything, dad. Just be careful making your way out without hitting my hula hoop," I keep rotating it.

He disappears and mom enters. She breathes a long sigh and asks,

"Ben, you can work your muscles doing dishes instead of hula hooping," she is obviously exasperated.

"Well, mom. Hula hooping burns more calories than doing dishes. I do it to reduce my belly fat. It's a serious thing, mom. Don't meddle in my business," I scorn.

"God! Please help me downsize his fat-mouth!" she complains and moves to the kitchen.

My phone buzzes and I pick up my phone moving my waist.

"Hello, Katie."

"I'm Sandy. You fathead," he chides me at the other end.

"Sandy, how do you think what I'm thinking. I think you are telepathic," I say.

"What do you mean?" he queries.

"Well, just now I thought of fat accumulating my body," I reply.

"You seem to be making out with Katie?" he seems to be puzzled by my panting.

"Cut the crap, dude! Why did you call me?"

"Well, I called you because Mr. Ronald called me," he hints.

"Who is this Ronald, you buzzhead?" I snort.

"Ben, are you anaemic? Or you acting like the one?"

I jog my memory and say,

"Oh! The banker. Yay, man! You got the loan?" I wonder.

"How do you assume that I got the loan?" he questions.

"I was not kidding, buddy! I thought you got the loan like your plan got approval from FAA," I explain.

"Well, Mr. Ronald called me to meet him up tomorrow morning. I hope the loan would be sanctioned. My fingers are crossed."

"He said something about collateral, isn't it?" I remind him.

"Yes, Sandy. If we want collateral free loans, we have to be employed in an esteemed organization," Sandy says sadly.

"Why can't you wait for another two years before getting ahead of the curve?" I suggest.

"I think you are right, Ben," he agrees.

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