Chapter 38: The Approval

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The world has stopped before me when I caress her lips. No wonder it created a spark when I kissed her. After she left the room, Ben has started to implore me with questions about how I drive Tassy crazy in love with me. Haha! I have become a love genius to him.

"How on earth did you do it?" Ben asks as if he is going to cry out loud.

"It's pretty simple, Ben. Stop talking gibberish."

"Hmm....As simple as that." He tells and realizes that he is being mocked.

He then adds,

"You are such a prick. I can't believe you outdid me." He still seems awestruck.

"It's because I don't have your peanut brain." I wiggle his nose.

"Ok. Tell me how to hash things out with my girlfriend."

"I already told you. Do you want me to repeat?"

"You cocky bastard!" He grips me from behind.

"Let me go, you dumbass," I bicker.

After sometime we settle on the couch. I need to check out my assignment. I take out my laptop and switch it on. As soon as a window opens, an email pops up. When I open it, I read the approval letter for my hangar development in New Orleans Lakefront Airport. It's from the airport manager, Mr. Albert. It states that FAA concurs with the hangar structural plans that Spintech helped me in making. I'm on cloud nine and call Mr. Albert and Hoffman to thank them. It seems FAA has verified our Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawings and was satisfied with hangar's location too.

"Buddy, I'm so happy that our plans are working out well ahead."

"Yes, Sandy. I thought it would take forever to get permission."

"I suppose they have cross checked our proposal in phases. And, it took nearly two months to get the ball rolling."

"You are right. I checked online. FAA does a set of assessments to approve the application."

"Weirdo. I thought you are all talk and no action. It's cool you are getting involved in our project."

"This tells ya that you are a mojo jojo without a helmet. He hides his large brain inside it."

"What did you say, you cartoon freak?"

I try to go over to him, but he thumbs his nose and escapes.

After being prankish, we are bored to death. So, we run Microsoft Flight Simulator X software and start maneuvering virtual flight with a couple of yokes. It's such a scenic view on screen and we glide over plains and hills with puffy clouds lining the sky. After sometime we enter the city and there are skyscrapers lining a clear blue sky. Every detail on the screen is realistic. I hope someday I would fly an airplane to far contours of the country.

My dad appears all of a sudden, and I inform him about the FAA approval. He pats both of our backs and climb up the stairs. My mom overhears everything and wishes me good luck.

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