Chapter 13: Ben's Shopping Experience

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Walking in the aisle with my shopping cart, I search for some chips and soda. I'm having a sleepover at Sandy's house. He has made me to run errands though he has to do such things for a friend who comes over his place.

My phone buzzes and when I pick it up it is my mom.

"Are you at Rouses?" She asks.

I told her I am going over to Sandy's house tonight. But how does she know I am in here? Do moms have an extra sense?

"Yes, mom. Why do you call me?" I rush her.

"Well, Ben... I need you to get me something for our dinner tonight."

"What is it mom?" This conversation is putting me off.

"A bottle of hot sauce, olive oil, mustard, peanut butter and then...." She racks her brain to bring up those unsaid items.

"Hold on. Do you think I can run errands all because you have given me 10 bucks in the morning?"

"But...I need it tonight, Ben.... Bernard and his family are calling on."

"You mean the polar bear."

"No, Ben..Don't be silly ...You watch a lot of cartoon nowadays. Just grow-up!" She signs.

"Ok mom. I'll get it." I hang up the phone.

My shopping haul when I reach the counter is unbelievable. That's it! Am I the beast of burden to carry all those stuff back home? I think. But, then I don't want my dad to give me a piece of his advice in the most boring way.

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