Chapter 42: Lilly's Visit

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It's icky to stuff a turkey! This is my first time I'm doing such a thing in my entire life! Sandy's mom is quite a cook and Amanda and I gawk at the rapid movement of her hands.

She is a versatile cook! She can bake and fry all in a minute for any number of guests. The way she nukes a dish is amazing! She sets the microwave oven in a flick of a second.

We turn our heads to the sound of the doorbell. It might be my mom. I place the spatula on the countertop and get to the door. When I open the door, I see my mom.

"Hi, mom," I hug her.

"Hi, darling," she says and let me hug her.

"What a surprise! You are early today!" My mom is usually a latecomer for any kind of dinner.

"Yes, dear. I was eager to see you. So I came here in a rush," she says affectionately.

"Oh! Mom," I again hug her.

"Who is it? Oh! Lilly! You are most welcome," Helen says.

Both mothers hug each other.

Sandy comes down and says "Hi, aunty. How are you?" to my mom.

"I'm fine, son," she says and looks up and down. Then she adds, "You've grown so much, Sandy."

"Yes, aunty," he flushes.

"How is your daycare centre going, Lilly? How are those kid's parents feeling about it?" Sandy's mom asks.

"Yeah... Those parents don't have time to breath. They have a tight schedule," She signs.

"It seems you make the world go round for them," Helen shows her a place to sit on.

"Yeah, kinda," She sits on a chair in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about George," Helen hold my mom's hand. George is my father.

"It's ok," My mom let out a sign. Amanda and I place the sweet potato casserole in the oven.

"What would you like to have, Lilly? You might be tired because of your trip," Helen shows a concern towards my mom.

"No! no! Helen! In fact, traveling to your place is hardly a commute to my workplace," She smiles.

"Mmm... Still you look worn out! Let me get you a cup of coffee! It'll help you kick back to life," Helen insists.

She swings back to action and makes a hot cup of coffee.

"Well, thank you," She picks up the steaming coffee cup and blows over it. Then, she takes a sip.

"Well, Helen. How is your antique business going?" My mom asks.

"Yeah... It's going on well until an economic downturn... Many customers have become frugal in spending," She shakes her head.

"What's up with Sandy's business," She asks her as Sandy went upstairs.

"Mmm... He is not giving up... He is persistent in his attempts to build a hangar," She says.

"Glad your son is upto something," My mom says.

Doorbell rings again and Helen tidies up her apron to invite the guests. It's none other than Ben's parents. A beep sound comes from the oven which indicates our side dish is ready.

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