Chapter 30: A Talk with Mom

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"Hey, mom. How are you?"

"I'm fine, dear. Glad you called me. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, mom. I just want to make sure you are doing well."

"Everything is hunky-dory, my child. Don't you have work tomorrow? You should be sleeping right now."

"Yes, mom. I have work tomorrow. But, I felt like talking to you. It's been weeks I called you up." I place a pillow on my lap.

"How is Amanda doing?"

"Yeah! She is cooking right now," I make a goofy face.

"Well, don't you want to help her?"

"Yes, mom. I chop off the vegetables for her." I said as matter-of-factly.

"Mmm... What's the dinner for today?"

"She is fixing chop suey, mom. God! I think it would be eatable." I groan.

"Haha! Missing mama's preparation?"

"Yes! mom." I let out a sign.

"How about coming here for a weekend?"

"Mmmm... well, I've papers to do..."

Then, I add,

"Mom, do you remember, Mrs. Helen Morgan..."

"Yes, we are kinda close-knit."
"Yes, mom. I'm working with her son, Sandy."


"One day, I went to his home for dinner." I don't want my mom to panic knowing the truth I was chased by some morons.

"Well, that's good to hear. She is such a sweetheart, Tassy!"

I tell her all about his son's mission, and how his family stand by his side to fulfill his dream. Also that he approached me for a prospective job offer.

"That's fabulous! So, you have a job under your belt?!"

"Yes, mom. I thought I would be a curator all my life."

"Oh! Tassy, don't be a downer. All jobs are equally important."

"Yes, mom. I agree with you. Sorry!"

"It's ok, my dear. But, you always deserve the best."

"Thank you, mom."

I hang up the phone after I wish good night to her.

Amanda is eavesdropping all the while. And, I can see that she is beat. She needs her sound sleep.

"So, you adore your boyfriend for giving you a job?"

"No... Of course not.... And, he is not my boyfriend." I frown.

"Ok, I got it."


"Nothing," she says and runs out.

"Hey! Tell me," I follow her.

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